{Chapter 11 : And then it Shattered}

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Back at their dorm, Kailan hardly felt safe. The rising moon and eerie fog on the horizon could have played a part, but it was the Syndicate that had a hungry anxiety gnawing at his bones. He felt like he was in a room with no walls. As if those men and their shiny guns would walk right up to their dorm and haul them off to the land of lost Wickeds.

April had insisted they come back to the warehouse, said it was important. That if they didn't, something bad would happen. It pissed him off, the thought of having to face Jahni again—but he couldn't say she was wrong.

He laid an arm over his eyes, feeling weary and all too tired. "Well, can't say my first week wasn't interesting."

Vincent tossed his jacket to his bed, running a hand through his shaggy blond hair. It was late, and he too was terribly exhausted. "I wonder if it was her?" His mind was reeling back to the peculiar brunette at the party. Gigi was her name. He remembered it now.

Maybe it was the fact that he'd only had a little to drink. Or perhaps it was the vomiting and sprinting for his life that sobered him up. He could never recall her before, so it had to have been something different in the way the evening went on. In the past, she had left him a clumsy mess with a rucked up memory, but now Vinny could finally recall the last time Gigi had used her strange concoction on him. He just couldn't understand what exactly she was getting out of it.

The fact of the matter was that she had probably witnessed him shattering that glass.

"I should go find her. But I have no idea where to start." He fell back into his bed, his tired face looking to his friend across the room. "Do you think she could have called them? The Syndicate?"

"She seems vengeful, so possibly." Kailan cracked an eye open, his pillow muffling a subtle laugh. "She seems kind of determined to fuck up your life. It's creepy."

Closing his eyes once more, a yawn engulfed him. "We're still going back to that warehouse aren't we? April will probably bug the shit out of us if we don't." He was fond of the girl, despite only having met her earlier in the week. Her high-energy and effervescent attitude was refreshing to Kailan. She was friendly, pleasant to be around—but no matter how comforting April may be, the last thing he wanted was to utilize his powers.

Vincent himself had been running from his own for years. Now, it seemed they were finally catching up to him.

As Vinny stared up at his bare-fleshed fingers, he could feel the warm prickle running up his skin. His fist coiled closed before a flame could ignite. Not here. The only time he ever felt comfortable with using his power was during a rainstorm. It was easier to control when there was another force to fight it. Easier to stop.

Archibald let off a harsh meow, jumping atop the bed to curl up at the pit of his arm. Acknowledging the scruffy cat with a tender stroke of his ears, Vinny looked to Kailan once more: "You seem to know a lot about that April girl. You think what she was saying was real? There's actually an organization hellbent on finding our asses?"

"'A lot'? I've hardly known her a week." Kai snorted, then his breathing shifted into something slow, deep and relaxing. He didn't know her all that well, but April seemed trustworthy. He liked her. "She seems pretty truthful," he added. "Not to mention she's a Wicked too, so why would she lie about that? Besides, why the hell wouldn't there be some organization meant to weed us out? We're practically declared as bio-terrorists. We're freaks and we're dangerous enough that prison isn't even an option."

It was a daunting fact, but a fact none the less. When Wickeds acted out, they were lucky to be detained. Usually they were shot dead on the spot.

"I mean it's not like we were normal before," he continued, "but now we can be killed for it."

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