Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Caelan leaned against the wall outside Ava’s house and lit a cigarette, he scanned the street for any sign of life, but there was none. A fox scurried across the street, stopping underneath the dim light from the street lamp, before taking off again. Caelan looked back towards Ava’s house when he heard a noise from inside. She was awake.

He dropped the cigarette onto the floor and stubbed it out with his heavy black boots before he made his way to her front door. He tapped twice and waited, he could hear her heart thumping, it was almost as though she knew that evil was lurking at her front door, and she would not have been wrong. He heard her fumbling around with some keys before the light in her hallway came on and she opened the door a fraction peering out through the gap.

Caelan looked straight at her and he smiled as realisation crossed her face and her eyes widened. She recognised him from the club, but that was all, she had no idea he was a creature of the night.

“Can I help you?” she asked shakily.

Caelan smiled at her, she was trying to pretend she did not recognise him now, “I’d rather not discuss this on your doorstep.”

Ava looked around the street, if she screamed one of the neighbours would hear her, but then a thought hit her. What would she say when someone came running over; he had only knocked the door. She looked at his face; she could see the impatience written all over him.

“I’m sorry but I don’t invite strangers into my home,” she told him defiantly.

Caelan had expected that reaction, which was why he was sorry that he was going to have to force his way inside. He could not leave her any longer, not with what she knew. He took a deep breath before he lurched forward; snapping the security chain, the only barrier there had been between them. He covered her mouth and ushered her into the house, closing the door behind him.

“Now if I move my hand are you going to scream?” he asked even though he already knew the answer.

Ava shook her head promising not to scream if he released, he let go. When she did not scream he was surprised. His surprise soon turned to shock as her knee met his groin in a sharp thud, even though he was a vampire, it hurt like hell, and he had let his guard down and not seen it coming.

“God damn you woman!” he hissed through clenched teeth, as she got ready to deliver a second blow.

“Whoa darling, I wouldn’t try that again if I were you!” he warned her menacingly, this time flashing her a smile that showed his bright white fangs.

Ava stepped back with a gasp, she was out of her depth, and he was no ordinary man. She tried to run, it was a stupid attempt, and as she had expected he caught her before she even got near the front door.

“Are you going to kill me?” she whispered feeling her whole body shaking at the thought of what he had in store for her, she hoped it would be quick.

Caelan tilted his head to the side and nodded slowly. If the circumstances had been different, he might have considered keeping her alive, just for his own amusement. She knew too much though and he could not risk letting her live.

“I didn’t know what he was doing,” she told him as she sank to the floor, “Our whole marriage was all based on lies. He was a fake!” she whispered the last part as her eyes stung.

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