Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Caelan paced around the kitchen, wondering what the hell had just happened upstairs. In all the years he had been a vampire he had never lost control, he had never turned a human in lust, but he had just came so close to it. He had to keep convincing himself lust was the word; because it couldn’t possibly be the other word he wasn’t even going to allow that word to cross his mind. He would not even entertain the idea that he was falling for a human woman, any woman was bad enough they were all trouble, but this one she had his head in a spin and he had to keep away from her.

He opened a cupboard and found a dusty bottle of whiskey hiding towards the back, how long It had been there he had no idea, but he wasn’t planning on letting It collect any more dust, no that bottle was going straight down his throat. Alcohol had a somewhat comforting effect on a vampire, a little like a baby being temporarily hushed with a pacifier. The feeling of comfort wouldn’t last long, but it would do, he couldn’t risk leaving the house and he wasn’t taking her with him. He scoffed at himself as he realised that although she would be safe with him outside he didn’t want her to witness what he had to do to survive.

He shook his head as he drank the whiskey straight from the bottle. He was worried about what she thought; the big bad vampire was actually bothered by what she thought of him. He looked down at the amber liquid in the bottle, it wasn’t having the desired effect, and he knew exactly why it wasn’t. He wasn’t going to find any comfort in drinking alcohol when the comfort he so desired was in his bed tangled in his sheets. He looked towards the door then at the clock. He could call on someone to stay and watch over her as she slept. He needed to get away from her just being within the same walls as her was playing havoc with his head. His problem was he didn’t trust anyone to look after her, not even his oldest friend Dalton. He would end up getting himself killed if he went out tonight and he knew it. If he thought it was hard being in the same house as her it was going to a hundred times worse being apart from her.

“I had that effect on my husband,” a sleepy voice came from behind him.

Caelan span around in shock, he had not heard her, had not sensed her at all. How had he not known that she had left that room? He knew he was staring at her as though she had grown another head, but he was perplexed as to how she had entered his kitchen completely undetected. Had his mind become so full of the thoughts of her that he could have possibly not noticed her.

“I meant the drinking; he used to drink a lot. He always said it helped him tolerate me,” she told him as she stayed in the doorway.

Caelan put the whiskey bottle down and sighed, “Sweetheart alcohol has no effect on me at all, and as for tolerating you I wouldn’t turn to this.” He said motioning to the bottle, “I would just kill you.”

Caelan pushed off from the counter he had been sitting on and walked towards the doors leading to the garden. He couldn’t deal with her being around he wanted her to go back to bed. He didn’t want to have to terrify her into going, but he had a feeling it might be the only way.

“What’s it like being a vampire?” she asked as she moved further into the kitchen. She stayed within what she thought was a safe distance of him.

Caelan angled his head towards her, “Come here.” He told her as he turned back to facing the windows.

Ava moved slowly across the kitchen, she was unnerved by him. He was always so calm, yet he could turn at any minute. Her mind was telling her to stay where she was, it was telling her to stay away from the danger, but her feet seemed to be moving regardless.

“What do you see?” he asked as she finally stood next to him.

Ava frowned and looked through the glass doors that led outside, she saw nothing. It was pure darkness with only her reflection staring back at her. That’s when she noticed it, he had no reflection. The shock of it made her jump backwards and Caelan furrowed his brows and looked back out of the window.

“What’s wrong what did you see that I didn’t?” he asked in utter confusion.

“You…you have no reflection!” she squeaked. She couldn’t believe she was acting the way she was but it was as though it was finally hitting her that he wasn’t of this world.

Caelan chuckled deeply, “Oh that, yeah maybe I should have mentioned that. For a minute I thought you had seen something out there.”

Ava was more confused than she had ever been now, “What? I don’t understand wasn’t that what I was supposed to see?”

Caelan shook his head, “No, I wanted to know what you saw when you looked outside.”

“I saw nothing,” she said easing back towards him, she started to calm herself down once again as she realised that although he was a vampire he wasn’t going to hurt her. He would have done so by now, at least that’s what she was going to convince herself.

It was just as he knew; of course she had seen nothing. The human eye was far too weak to see what his eyes could. He could see far into the darkness, he could see more clearly than she could in the day. “Sometimes being able to see everything so vividly is a curse.” He told her with a huff.

 His whole existence was a curse, damned to roam the earth for all eternity, in the shadows. He was condemned to never feel emotions, to never feel the warm touch of woman not for longer than necessary. He wasn’t meant to have a companion it wasn’t how things worked.

“Oh but how wonderful it must be to see everything, to hear everything and to feel everything so clearly.” Ava sighed as she thought of the possibilities.

Caelan growled deep in his throat, “Oh yeah it’s just great.”

Ava clapped a hand to her mouth as she realised her mistake, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think. It must be very lonely.” She said as she tried to talk her way out of her slip up.

Caelan rolled his eyes, “You come into the world alone and you go out of it alone. When you’re a vampire it is no different except you stay alone for eternity, do not ever feel sorry for me Ava. I kill your kind without a second thought. I wipe out whole families for the fun of it.”

Ava recoiled in horror; she had tried to push it to the back of her mind. She had tried to imagine that he only killed those who were guilty of crimes against the innocent. She had no idea why she was painting him in such a way, he did kill the innocent, and it made no difference to him if he killed a rapist or a child. The thought made her feel sick, she had kissed a vampire. She had kissed a mouth that had killed hundreds, maybe thousands of men, women and children.

“I’m going to be sick!” she gasped as the realisation of what he was hit her full force. She heaved endlessly, nothing would come up because she hadn’t eaten and that was something she was grateful for as her stomach continued to lurch.

Caelan rubbed his temples; he had no idea what to do. Should he offer some comforting words? Probably not wise, or maybe rub her back? Physical contact would be more stupid than his first idea he decided. He sighed knowing that what he was going to do next wouldn’t help matters at all, but at least she would be out of his way, and at least she could forget all those stupid notions she had about him being nice.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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