Chapter 8

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Chapter  8

Ava woke up in a daze, she looked around the dimly lit room she was in and rubbed her head. She drew a blank, she couldn’t remember how she had got there, or what had happened. She slid off the bed and rushed to the door, just as she was about to leave the door opened and Caelan walked in.

She was momentarily stunned into silence, every time she saw him her body reacted the same way, and she was beginning to detest her body for betraying her in such a way. Her knees were suddenly weak, and her palms sweaty as just the sight of him had her shuddering. The way the muscles rippled under his shirt as he strode across the room, his presence so dominating.

“Oh you’re awake.” He said as he closed the door behind him and walked into the room and over to a closet.

Ava watched him as he pulled a fresh shirt from the closet and some jeans, “Where am I?” she asked as he turned around and walked towards the door. “Wait... Where are you going? Answer me god damn it!” she screamed.

Caelan stopped as he got to the door and turned to look at her, he ran his hand through his thick blonde hair, “This is my house, this is my room and that’s all you need to know for now.” He said before he left and locked the door behind him.

Ava ran towards the door and tried to open it even though she had heard the bolt slide into place, she was not going to be kept there like some prisoner. She  looked down at her clothes and frowned at the dress she that she was wearing. That’s when it hit her, the events from the night all came flooding back, the drinks at the bar, dancing with the man, and Caelan. She huffed angrily as she remembered how he had brutally attacked the man in the club and threw her over his shoulder like some caveman claiming his woman.

Everything that had happened after that was still a blank, and it was frustrating not knowing what had happened during that time. Feeling furious again she ran back to the bedroom door and kicked and pulled at it until she wore herself out. Knowing that no one was coming she went back over to the bed and threw herself onto with a huff. She would just have to wait, but so god help him he was going to regret leaving her stewing for so long.

The sound of the bolt being slid from the door had her off the bed, and rushing to the door. She ripped it open, and pushed past the man that looked startled. She felt bad as he fell to the floor, but she didn’t have time to go back and apologise.

 She made a  dash for the way out of the house, and when she came to some stairs she crept to the top, slowly pushing the door open. Sunlight flooded into the huge hallway, and then she saw a door that led out into the yard. Knowing that vampires couldn’t walk in sunlight she knew she was safe, and ran to the door pushing it open and running outside. It was bitterly cold, but the feeling of being free was like nothing she could have described, the cold bitter wind was welcome. If Caelan hadn’t acted like such a brute she wouldn’t have been running away, but he needed to be taught a lesson.

She walked across the yard and onto a road, it was then that she realised she didn’t know where she was, and that she had no money or phone. The only thing she could do was walk down the long road and hope that someone could tell her where she was and how to get home. As she started to walk down the road the snow began to fall, and she looked down at what she wearing, there was no way she was going to last in that cold. She cursed at herself wondering why the hell she hadn’t grabbed a jacket or something from Caelan’s closet.

She was considering turning around and going back to the house when the sound of a car coming towards her stopped her in her tracks. She waited for it to come closer, and waved it down. The car stopped and a man and woman got out of it. The man was tall and broad with dark thinning hair, and the woman was slightly smaller with platinum blonde hair.

“Are you okay?” the man asked suspiciously as he approached her.

Ava nodded her head and took a deep breath, “Yes I’m just a little lost,” she told him sheepishly.

“What are you doing around here?” The woman asked, as she moved closer to her. It was then that Ava noticed she had a stake in her hand.  Was she some sort of vampire hunter she wondered as she took a step back.

“She’s not one of them San.” The man told the woman, “There are no obvious marks,” he said pointing to Ava’s neck.

Ava began to regret leaving the house now, she had obviously walked straight into some vampire hunters, if that’s what they called themselves, and she couldn’t risk telling them where Caelan’s house was.

“We will take you somewhere safe,” the woman offered as she narrowed her eyes at Ava.

Ava declined the offer a little too quickly, there was no way she was getting into a car with them, what if they tortured her for information on Caelan, or killed her. She would rather brave the cold winter storm than risk her life going anywhere with them.

“It wasn’t an offer,” the man said as he closed in on her and grabbed her arm dragging her towards the car.

Ava pushed and pulled to try and get away from the man but she was no match for him, and he overpowered her with ease. She tried to scream, but he covered her mouth with a cloth and she began to feel tired. The struggle to keep her eyes open became too much after a while and she finally gave into the dark dreamless sleep, the last thing she remembered before she went out was the man muttering about performing a cleansing ritual.

Caelan had gone down to his other room in the basement to give Ava some space, he knew that as soon as her memory came back she was going to be furious. The sound of his staff running around upstairs woke him up, and he knew immediately something wasn’t right. They were never usually noisy during daylight hours, but he couldn’t leave his room for another hour to find out what the commotion was all about, so he called upstairs.

Shortly after he made the call to the staff upstairs there was a frantic knock at his door. He opened and beckoned his maid inside, “What’s with all the noise?” he asked grumpily.

The maid couldn’t look him in the eye as she began to rush through some story about Ava. “Calm down woman, slow down and tell me again.” He snapped stopping her from  her rambling. Humans irritated him beyond words at times, they could never get straight to the point.

“Sorry master Caelan, it’s the girl, she’s gone!” she told him in a rush.

Caelan scowled at her, “Did you say gone? Gone where?”  he hissed.

He could sense the terror that was coming from the girl, she was in fear of her life and that of the other staff within the house, “She pushed past Eric, he was taking her some food at your request and she pushed him over and ran outside. By the time we caught up with her she was being dragged into a car. They took her master, the enemy!”

Caelan wasn’t sure whether he had heard her right, but he was sure she just said that Ava had been kidnapped. Now he was pissed off, he wanted what belonged to him back, but at the same time it couldn’t have been more perfect. Now he would be able to find them and kill them and stop this cure from being released onto the vampire population.

Those fools had no idea of what they had just caused, pissing a vampire off was one thing. Taking a mate from a vampire that just so happened to be the oldest and strongest vampire to exist was another. Once he got his Ava back safe and sound they would pay.

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