Chapter 15

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This is short but I felt bad for not updating so here ya go!

Enjoy :D

I have probably been staring at the ceiling for over an hour now. Last night was a disaster, when my mom and Alejandro got home they were in really bad moods, bad, bad bad.

When they saw Devon there along with Normani they got even more heated and kicked them out. All because I said I would have one friend not two. They probably yelled at me for about an hour, then went upstairs and said we'll discuss it later, as in today. Which I am not looking forward to at all, so I'm hoping they forget and get caught up in work.

To make the night even worse when Camila got home I greeted her, but she completely ignored me and went upstairs. She is sure making it easier for me to move on by the way she's acting. It's crazy and kind of funny how she is the one who said we should be friends and I'm the one who's taking it more seriously than she is.

"Lauren time for school!" My mom yells through my door banging on it. I jump at the sound, and sigh. Ugh.

"I'm up!" I call back so she doesn't return pissed off thinking that I wasn't up.

With a frown on my face I begin getting ready. (Outfit up top) The frown on my face begins to fade when I think of what I'm doing after school. Tutoring with Jessica.

Dressed in my clothes and my backpack slung over my shoulder. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen to find Camila and my mom both sitting at the counter chatting about something.

"Good morning Lauren," my mom greeted me.

"Morning mom," I replied, I looked over at Camila who wasn't even paying attention to but to her bowl of cereal. "Camila."

Her brown eyes looked up at me but only for a second before looking away. Sigh, not surprised.

"Lauren," my mom started talking as I walked to the fridge. "You're dad called me last night asking why you haven't called him."

"Why didn't he just call me himself?" That'd make more sense.

"I don't know," she said in a weird tone. "Just promise me you'll give him a call tonight?"

"Mom I can't promise you that," I told her. Some things tend to fly right over my head and I completely forget about them forever.

She sighed, "Lauren please."

"Fine okay."

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the counter next to my mom and Camila. Right as I did, Camila stood to empty her bowl out in the sink. Taking a big bite of cereal I watched her walk right in front of me, Camila looked amazing today. She always does, today was wearing a cute flowly dress with tiny squares on it, and a cute pink bow. (I'm terrible at descriptions outfit up top)

Her legs made me stop mid-chew, damn. I swallowed and took a peek at my mom who THANK GOD was not paying any attention to me but to her iPad playing papa pear saga.

While mom was kept busy on her iPad I watched Camila open up the dishwasher to put her dishes in. I stopped eating to watch her bend down, the curve of her ass was evident through her dress, it was amazing. My god she is so beautiful, cute and sexy.

She whipped around all the sudden, and caught me checking her out. I didnt bother to look away when I saw her cheeks turned pink, it was cute. I laughed lightly and took a bite of my now soggy cereal, shit.

Camila cleared her throat but I could still hear the shakiness in it, "Clara I was wondering if it would be okay if I go over to Dinah's after tutoring?"

I slowly swallowed, "What?"

She tutors? Since when?!

Camila frowned at me confused.

"I don't see why not. Go ahead," my mom answered not looking up from her game.

"Oh mom can I stay after school to get help on some homework? Please?"

I had to see Jessica today, especially after I had cancelled on her Saturday and plus I just really wanted to see her hot self.

"Lauren," mom sighed that made me worry. "Will you actually go or are you lying to me?"

"Mom I'm serious."

"Okay," I smiled widely. "But if this is a lie you'll be in so much trouble."

I nodded getting up to dump my soggy cereal out. Glancing at the time on the microwave it was already 7:15 we had to go. I gave mom a hug goodbye and followed Camila out the door and into her car.

The car ride was alright I guess but I was beginning to get a little awkward especially the silence so I decided to break it.

"So uh... how long have you been tutoring?" I asked.

"Um since sophomore year."

"Cool... Cool."

God this is so fucking awkward.

"Are you actually going to be getting some help on homework, or was that a lie?" She surprised me by actually talking to me.

"I wasn't lying" I shook my head. "I'm actually gonna be getting help on homework."

"Oh well that's good."

I nodded, "yeah, that girl I was supposed to hangout with Saturday said she would tutor me."

"What girl?"

"Her name is Jessica," I smiled just thinking about her.

Camila hummed in response making me raise an eyebrow. That sounded weird. I watched as her grip on the steering wheel tightened, what's going on here?

Before I got the chance to ask what was wrong, Camila pulled the car into the school parking lot and parked, turning off the ignition she bolted and started speed walking into school.

What the fuck just happened?


I'm sorry for a short chapter I just felt like I had to get something out for you guys. Love you all, COMMENT AND VOTE!

I love reading all of your comments their so funny and I love how into it you guys get so yeah COMMENT luv u.

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