Chapter 3

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I was swinging slowly on the swing next to Normani, we were at the park that was about a block away from my house. I texted her saying that I needed a friend to talk to and she came over in a heartbeat. I was still pissed at how Camila was in charge, before I left the house I had to ask her because it was one of the rules our parents set out.

"Don't you think you were a little hard on her?" Normani asked kicking the dirt.

I thought about when she asked, I replayed the events of last night in my head at how I yelled at her and how she backed away scared of me. I sighed, Fuck I'm such an asshole.

"Yeah.. I'm a bitch. I know." Its true.

She chuckled lightly, "You can be, but overall you're a good person."

There are so many things that I've done, that proves I'm a bad person. So I don't believe her, but I don't correct her just nod.

"Are you gonna apologize to her?"

I shrug, "Probably."

She pats my back, "Good, so what are your plans this weekend?"

"Probably just sit on my ass and watch some shows on Netflix," I said, "I'm still grounded ya know?"

"Damn, there's a party tonight. So I'm guessing you won't make it?"

I shake my head, "Nope, I have to prove to my parents that I can be responsible by making the right choices and shit like that."

"Good job gurl, I might go. But if I don't we should hang or something."

I nodded, "yes please I'm gonna end up getting really bored."

I felt a drop on my cheek, I looked up to dark gray clouds and heard a rumble of thunder in the distance. We both were too distracted on the swingset to realize how dark it was for being 3:00 in the afternoon.

I stood, "We better go before it starts pouring on us."

We both hurried back to my house, we were two houses away when it started hardcore pouring. I gave Normani a hug when she got in her car to get home before the rain could get any worse.

I hurried into the house slipping off my soaked converse and sweater, "Fuck that rain was cold."

Camila appeared out of nowhere looking relieved, and wearing an apron, "I'm glad you're back, the storm is only going to get worse."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm gonna go change," I motioned to my soggy clothing.

"Okay but come back down when you're done I made this dessert thingy for culinary I need you to try."

"Alright," I rushed upstairs to change my clothes. Camila makes really good food, well only when her nerdy friend Ally make food together, that's when I pig out and eat all the desserts they make.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the counter. Camila was too busy taking something out of the oven to notice. She looked and smiled widely when she saw me, I smiled back. God, she's adorable.

I almost slapped myself in the face, 'did I really just think my sister is adorable? My teenage sister?'

I shrugged it off, its nothing. Then I remembered last night again, "Um Camila." I started, she looked up at me again, "I'm sorry for the way I yelled at you yesterday. I was being an asshole."

She smiled kindly at me, "Its ok, I forgive you, and I understand why you were mad."

"Cool," I said nodding slowly, "So what'd you make?"

She smiled her breathtaking smile, "Ally gave me her cookie recipe to try for class on Monday, so I have to test these to see if they are good or not."

Not Something Sisters Do (Camren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin