Chapter 2

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"How long you grounded for?" My buddy Rocky asked with his mouth full of fries.

"I don't know, they're still pissed at me for sneaking out last time," I stated sadly, it sucks because all week people been talking about was how amazing Rocky's cousins party was.

Devon came out of nowhere and sat himself down next to me at the lunch table, "I can't get over how funny it was when Landon tried jumping over that trashcan last weekend."

Rocky spoke up before I got the chance, "Devon shut up, she's already pissed that she couldn't go. So don't make it worse."

I was thankful Rocky spoke up before I did. I'm really not in a good mood today, so I would've hurt Devon emotionally and probably physically too. I don't know why I'm in such a bad mood, but almost every little thing annoys me.

"Hey guys," our other group member Normani greeted us. She's my first best friend, Rocky would be my second. And Devon he's just... there... like an idiot brother you wanna hit and throw stuff at all the time.

"Hey Mani what's up?" She sat down next to me giving me a side hug.

"Nothin much, just got outta calc. Not too exciting," she said pulling out her student ID. "Go with me to get lunch."

I sighed dramatically, "Fine."

We got up to go get lunch, burgers and fries. Not too bad, a little soggy, but not bad. "What've you been up to lately?" I asked when we reached the table.

"My life isn't very interesting, the only fun thing I did was go to that party last weekend," Normani said taking a bite of her burger.

"So everybody, went to that party but me?" I asked the people at my table.

They all nodded but Devon spoke up, "Your hot sister didn't either," he nodded toward the entrance of the cafeteria.

I looked and saw Camila walking in carrying her textbooks laughing at something Dinah had said next to her.

"She was busy studying," I said half serious, "And stop being a creep."

"How am I being a creep? I'm just stating the obvious."

"You're talking about Lauren's sister, have some respect for once," Normani said a little harsh, she and Camila are cool with each other but they aren't all buddy buddy.

"Damn, you girls sure are moody today," he grumbled at us frowning. A group of cute girls walked passed the table turning his frown upside down, he tried being 'hot' by running a hand through his dark hair and winking at them, the girls blushed and walked away giggling.

Me, Rocky and Normani bursted out laughing. Devon looked at us confused, "What are you guys laughing at? I just scored those sexy girls."

"Those... were... freshmen girls," Rocky said laughing.

"What the fuck! How was I supposed to know? With all that make up they look like juniors!" He groaned, banging his head on the table. "Fuck, now I probably look like a pedo."

I kept laughing till my side ached. "That was funny." I wiped my tears away as my laughter died down.

Devon turned around, he faced forward and had a determined look on his face now, "Time to redeem myself." We heard him whisper to himself and looked to see what his dumbass was doing.

Camila and Dinah were walking our way for whatever reason. I felt this weird uneasiness wash over me, making me cringe kind of, Normani noticed giving me a weird look.

"Yo what up," Dinah greeted us smiling.

Devon smirked at Camila eyeing her up and down. "Hey Camila."

I watched as her cheeks turned pink as she smiled back at him nicely, "Hi."

He stood up in front of her and rubbed the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous and about to ask a girl out.

Oh hell no.

I spoke up, "Camila what are you doing over here?"

Her eyes broke away from Devon's, focusing on mine, "I think it'd be better if I told you at home." She said looking a little uncomfortable as Devon stared at her.

I nodded, "Devon back off."

He looked at me and glared before turning back smiling shyly at Camila who still had pink cheeks. "Camila, I was wondering if maybe.. You'd want to go to the movies or somethin?"

Camila laughed nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "No, but thank you though."

I felt my whole body relax.

His smile dropped, "Oh, that's ok maybe... another time."

Camila grabbed Dinah's arm pulling her away from us. I was laughing really hard like before, so was everyone else while Devon pouted. "I hate you guys."


"Halloooo?" I called into the house when Rocky dropped me off.

The house was empty except for Martin, the fat family cat that hates my guts. I went to go pet him because for once he looked kinda cute, I bent down a little holding my hand out, but he hissed and dragged his fat ass up the stairs to Camila's room.

"Fuck you too then." I mumbled throwing my bag on the couch heading into the kitchen to make a sack.

I heard the front door open and close, "Hey mom we need more milk." I said throwing the empty jug away.

"Our parents aren't here," I turned and found Camila standing there holding a note.

"What's that?" I motioned toward the paper in her hand.

"Its a note saying they won't be back till next Friday, because they have to go New York for business."

My eyes widen, and a smile formed on my lips.


"I'm in charge."

I laughed at her, "No you're not."

She pursed her lips and handed me the paper

*Lauren, Camila is in charge while we're away. Don't take it out on her. It was our decision. -Mom*

I crunched up the stupid fucking note, "God dammit this is such bullshit!" I hit the counter top, I could barely feel the sting in my hand I was so furious. "This is so stupid! Why do you get to be in charge? But not me?!" I screamed at her.

She backed away her eyes wide and full of fear. My anger died down a little at the sight, but I was still pissed, "I'm sorry," I whispered storming off to my room.

Not Something Sisters Do (Camren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن