Chapter 40

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The birth of little Myriam was enough to keep Marcie feeling good for several weeks.

She wandered around the village keeping tabs on Luce and the other Barman children, Dara a constant companion at her figurative side. Although she missed him, she still felt him as clear as day and nothing could dampen her spirits.

She was polite and cordial with Aldren and Jin and chose to pretend Sebastian was not there. She was unsure how to treat him, and did not yet know how to use the knowledge she had been armed with.

It seemed a petty and small thing for her to enjoy holding something over someone's head, especially as they themselves were unaware that she had it.

However Sebastian continued to treat her with abject scorn. And because of this she disliked him more each day.

She routinely found herself in the tavern listening to Jin tell one of his tall tales. The other patrons always revelled in his stories of the world beyond theirs.

This time he decided to recall how he and his companions had been rescued from certain death by Marcie herself.

Marcie felt herself sink into her stool, and hid her face behind her hair.

Breen laughed and clapped her on the back so she choked on her ale.

"...and suddenly there was herd of deer storming through the trees behind us. Well, as hungry as we were I thought nothing of it. I equipped my bow and shot down three of the creatures before the first arrow had struck home, I went to collect my kills. When suddenly an enormous stag flies from the trees, easily the largest creature I did ever see, with antlers as wide as I am tall. He leaps through the trees as if they didn't exist and then suddenly right on his tail, a hunter nails im with a perfect shot to the throat. Absolutely beautiful, an the ladies not bad herself" Jin winked to his audience, lifted his mug,

"To Marcie, The Mighty Huntress" and he drank,

Aldren and Breen copied him, the other men half-halfheartedly raised their own mugs, while Sebastian didn't touch his.

Jin wandered over to sit on the other side of Marcie, leaving her between him and Breen, Aldren sat opposite while Sebastian sat next to him,as far away from Breen as he could get.

"You left out some bits and edited others" Marcie told Jin when he had seated himself,

"Hmm" he said innocently,

"You did not hit any deer and you forgot to mention Aldren holding a sword to my throat" she said crossing her arms indignantly,

"A sword?" Breen said, turning sharply to glare at the man in question,

Aldren held his hands up in surrender,

"She nearly shot me in return, do not feel too sorry for her"

Breen visible relaxed,

"You have not been hunting with us for quite some time" he remarked turning to face her,

Marcie shrugged,

"I prefer to go alone, its more peaceful"

"Its more dangerous" said Merrick, sidling over, clutching his own mug of ale.

He sat down next to Breen, forcing Marcie to shift closer to Jin, their table was becoming quite crowded.

"Sirs, my brother Merrick Gatherer " Breen said, introducing the others in turn,

"Gatherer? Not a hunter?" Jin asked,

"No" was all he said,

"The Barman children are all Gatherers" Marcie explained, frowning at Merrick for his rudeness,

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