Chapter 44

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Dafne left the next morning.

Marcie watched from afar as the Daygon led her and her horse (Seemingly magicked out of thin air) into The Forgotten Forest.

She stayed well back and did not say goodbye. She did not think she could face Dafne after what she had learned so she held back tears as she watched the beloved older woman disappear from sight.

The crowd of villagers dispersed in whispers once the Daygon where out of sight.

Roor stood back, watching the place where the four had vanished a peculiar look upon his bearded face.

She couldn't see Aldren and his companions anywhere and was thankful they had chosen to stay away.

Dara waited impatiently for her in the forest. He was lounging at the top of a Great Tree enjoying some weak sunlight that peaked out of the clouds. He shared his contentment, attempting to ease her sadness at Dafne's leaving.

Struck by a stray thought, Marcie sent Dara a specific impulse.

He considered it, weighing it next to making the most of the sun.

After some more urging he grudgingly agreed. Rising he dug his claws into the branch he lay upon and raked huge gouges out of the wood as he stretched and yawned then launched himself into the air and followed Marcie's guidance to where the Daygon's horses were.

His excellent eyesight picked them out even hidden beneath the thick foliage.

Marcie urged him to be cautious and the sound of his beating wings quietened.

He slipped agilely through the branches, always keeping the four within his sights.

Marcie followed his every move and she saw something curious.

As Jin, Aldren and Sebastian had found. Horses found the terrain of The Forgotten Forest to be terrible tricky to pass. The trees grew to close, the roots of the trees rose above the ground and made the narrow paths dangerous unless one was careful. Horse hooves were therefore almost useless, it was surprising that Aldren's creatures had not been hobbled during their travels.

Even if the terrain did not do them in, they would undoubtedly fall victim to the many other inhabitants of the forest who would view the slow moving beasts as easy prey.

It was why there were none in the village. Traders carried their wares upon their backs when they came and villagers just made use of carts they pulled themselves, utilising their own strength.

And yet...

And yet the Daygon led Dafne through the forest as easily as they would an empty field.

Marcie tried to ascertain how it was possible. She, through Dara's eyes, could see nothing to explain it.

The trees did not appear to move out of the way, neither did the ground miraculously become level .

The Daygon sat straight backed and serene upon their mounts, taking the horses at a brisk trot while Dafne followed behind, her full skirts hiked up around her skinny, pale thighs, the horse laden down with bags and packs full of her provisions.

She appeared oblivious to how easy their trek was, guiding the horse easily as though she were a young woman in her prime who rode horses regularly.


A voice interrupted her musings, snapping her out of Dara's vision.

The shock of going from one perception to another caused her to lash out at the hand a hold of her arm.

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