Chapter 52

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Aldren stared grimly into his tankard. The usually pleasant and smooth mead got stuck in his throat when he attempted to drink from it and so he settled for staring into its depths, begging it to bestow upon him it's gifts.

Jin was in much the same way, they sat in silence broken only by the bustle of the tavern around them.

Jena or kena or whatever her name was bustled past carrying drinks without so much as a glance in their direction, possibly she had found some other fool to occupy her time, Aldren found it hard to care.

Sebastian occupied his thoughts, as he knew he did Jin's.

They had not seen him for many days now, not a word reached them of his whereabouts. They had asked polite questions, not wishing to stir up the villagers by informing them of a missing outsider in their midst's in case they sensed something fishy.

He wished he could take his mind off it but the mead was not working and Marcie was no where to be found either; although this was less worrisome as she was known to be erratic in her partaking of their company. Most likely she was hunting in the forest as spring was properly on its way. Her father sat slumped in the darkest corner of the tavern and he always made sure to make himself scarse when she was near, so Alden surmised she was far away.

The Barman sidled over to their table,

"I get you lads anything?" He asked, eyeing their almost full tankards.

"Not at the moment good sire" Jin replied sullenly.

The Barman eyed him, surprised,

"Thought you boys would be celebrating. What with the traders soon upon us for the spring market" he said.

Aldren grunted in acquiescence.

The Barman lingered as if to say something else but then shuffled off to tend the bar.

Jin sighed, propping his chin on his hand and stared over the run of his tankard at Aldren,

"Traders soon be here" he said, without enthusiasm.

Aldren grunted.

"We should probably start combing the village for Sebastian"

Aldren grunted again.

"Ya know, wouldn't want to leave without him or nothing"

Another grunt.

Jin lowered his voice, "Gotta leave an announce our failure to find the fabled tree of healing"

At this Aldren sighed and pushed his mead away,

"I am not in any rush to face my father Jin" he said.

"Who would be? Ain't your fault, was a mighty long shot as it was" he lowered his voice further then said, "You knew he never expected you to succeed" not unkindly.

"I am aware of that" he snapped back. Jin put his hands up in mock surrender and they fell back into tense silence.

When he thought he could stand it no longer the tavern door opens and Marcie strode in, purpose written on her face.

She was dressed in trousers, boots and a shirt she had twisted into a knot at one side as it was far too large. She looked perfect, her hair pulled back in a loose braid she pulled every eye in the room.

Kena, who had been in the process of charming an old farmer at a table near the door, cringed away from her imposing figure; she scuttled quickly behind the bar and almost hid behind her father, much to his confusion.

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