Strength and Courage

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
― Lao Tzu

Natsu slowed down his running and rubbed out his chest. This lingering ache was annoying. He hoped it would all heal eventually, but the doctors warned him that 'these things take time.'

At least he found what he wanted. Gray was sitting by one of the canals, a remote area of Magnolia with no people walking around, just a slope to the water and a bridge crossing the stream. Gray's eyes stared off contemplatively, a cold and narrow look with pinched eyebrows.

"Can I join you?"

Gray jumped at the question and turned around to see Natsu coming down the slope. He looked away, but his heart was already pounding. It always did around Natsu these days.

"About earlier, Gajeel's just being an ass," Natsu said quietly. "He's taking it too far this time, but we all do that at some point, right? I mean, look how far Laxus went. People got seriously hurt. And Jellal, maybe he was being manipulated, but he took things way the hell too far and people died. And you almost took it too far on Galuna, ready to sacrifice yourself. And maybe I take things too far from time to time as well."

That made Gray scoff out a laugh. Maybe? From time to time? Seriously, Natsu had no concept of his own destructiveness.

"Look, I'll kick his ass later," Natsu promised. "Will that make it better?" He wanted Gray to smile again, that was all. Beating up Gajeel was just a bonus.

"There will be others," Gray murmured. "Others to tease us."

"I'll kick their asses, too," Natsu declared.

Gray shook his head slowly, looking out at the water swirling around stones in the river. "Maybe this just wasn't meant to—"

"Don't!" Natsu shouted over him. "Don't you dare say it!"

Gray lifted his head and gazed at the stubborn face. "We'll just keep getting teased."

"So? Did you care about the assholes who made jokes about you and Juvia?" argued Natsu. "Up until now, did you ever once care about what people said about you dating anyone? I don't care!" he exclaimed. "Just because it's you and me, that shouldn't matter. People will always say negative things about who someone dates. You harassed me to no end about Rei-chan. I harassed you for months about those two girls up north. Hell, Max told me that there were a few snide jokes going around about Alzack and Bisca when they finally decided to start dating, and look at them now. Married with a kid! It happens to everyone, Gray. It's not like we're unique just because we're both guys. Teasing like this seriously happens to everyone. All that changes is how they tease us."

Gray's head still shook silently. Natsu put a comforting hand on the cold shoulder.

"Straight or gay or anything, any relationship is going to have assholes who are against it. Just because we're two guys, that shouldn't matter. Two guys, two girls, a guy and girl, anything at all, it doesn't matter! Love is love, and I love you, so that's all I care about right now. You! Me! This!" He wrapped an arm around Gray and leaned in closer. "You're all I care about, and screw any assholes who think their opinion is more important than what I feel for you. I'm not seeking their approval; I'm only seeking your happiness. Because that's what matters most: you and me being together and being happy. And if they don't like it, they can fuck themselves!"

Gray finally glanced over again, honestly surprised by the outburst. Hearing all that made his chest warm up, knowing Natsu cared for him that much.

Life After Near DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang