Chapter 9

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"Welcome to Signature. May I please have the reservation name?"

"Yes, Levers." The man dressed in his finest suit nods.

"This way please." I felt so out of place. Everyone here was so dressed up and everything was over the top fancy.

The man leads us to a private room in the back, which had a huge dining table and an antique chandelier hanging from the ceiling. We all walk in and the man closes the door behind him as he leaves. This is so not my scene. "Riley, sit beside me."

"Sure." I slowly walk down to the far end of the table. I sit down beside Jen. The seat was also across from Heath. I look at his swollen lip. I hold in a laugh, but I couldn't hold back a smile which earned me a glare from him.

None of us were as dressed up as the other people in the restaurant. For some reason Heath has this vibe around him which told me that he doesn't want to be here. Then why is he? I am such a curious person, I really hope that doesn't backfire one day.

The door opens revealing HOLLAND BETT! My jaw drops open. Holland Bett is a world renowned fashion designer. She is my life goals. "Close your mouth princess don't want to catch any flies. Now do you?"

I glare at Heath, but nonetheless close my mouth. "Mom! Dad!" Jen gets up hugging them. David Bett is Jen's dad?! He's a huge business man. Eff my life. I couldn't help, but notice the displeased look on Heath's face when Jen called them mom and dad.

To be honest, I never even knew they had kids. Weird. "Riley this is my mom, Holland and dad, David."

"Hi, I'm actually a big fan of your work." I say to Holland, and she pulls me in for a hug.

"It's really nice to meet you Riley. I've heard a lot about you from Jen."

"Thank you." I reply to Holland. She smiles back before going over to talk to Heath.

"Riley. It's a pleasure to meet you." David says gesturing a hand shake.

"The pleasures all mine." I smile and take his gesture. David walks over to Heath.


"David." Wow. Heath has no respect for anyone.

"Well, we should start eating. I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving." Holland tries to break the awkwardness. Not really working.

Jen and I both smile and take our seats. Holland sits at the end of the table close to Jen and David; who sat beside Heath.

"So how's school Jen?"

"It's great, I got into all the classes I wanted this semester. How's work?"

"Great. But it's very disappointing sometimes, to see how far people take things just to be known and not even for their own work." Jen nods.

"What happened to your lip Heath?" David asks," Get into a fight?"

"Something like that." He glares at me.

"Yeah with a girl." I mumble and Heath's glare deepens. His eyes felt like they were shooting daggers at me.

"Did you say something Riley?" David asks and I nod sideways. "What happened to your wrist?" He asks. I look down at the wrist which I was unknowingly rubbing. I was wearing a bracelet on the other so the bruise on that one didn't show," Um...-"

The door opens revealing the waiter. We then order what we each want. I sigh in relief. I had no idea what I was going to say. The food here was pretty expensive, but I still ordered what I wanted not really caring about the price. If anything I was never going to sacrifice my food. Ever.

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