Chapter 13

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I wake up to a aching headache. I pull the bed sheet up and cover my head in the effort to fall asleep again. I keep shuffling until I come to accept the fact that I wasn't going to fall asleep again anytime soon. I sit up frustrated, angry and tired. "Here eat this." Heath hands me a Tylenol and a glass of water. I take it without question.

I put the glass down on the nightstand next to my bed." Where's Jen?" I ask looking at her bed.

"She slept at Ian's." I look up at Heath's face. His eyes were hidden under a pair of sunglasses.

"Can I?" My hands hover near his glasses and he nods. I slowly pull them off revealing his two black eyes. I sigh feeling a little ashamed.

"I'm sorry." He didn't make Ian write my names down. It wasn't his fault. I guess he deserved one black eyes, but two was just too much.

"It's okay, I guess I kind of deserved it. I'm sorry for literally dragging you to the party." He says, but I don't reply. I'm not mad at him, but I truly wish he hadn't dragged me there. Maybe I wouldn't have remembered that night. "Are you okay?" Heath softly asks like he's trying not to set off a beast.

"I'll be okay later if I'm not right now, and just to let you know I do remember everything from last night. You shouldn't have done that to him. He didn't do anything to me."

"Then why were you crying?" He asks getting angry.

"Because I have my reasons. As much as you think you might know about me, you don't. You need to stop trying to protect me and let me live life with the people I want to live it with it."

"Am I one of them?" He asks looking me dead in the eyes.

"I don't know. But what I do know for sure is I don't want you to leave. At least not right now." My eyes get a little blurry, but I blink the tears away.

"Um, well I should go it's one already and I need to practice before our game."

"What game?" I ask.

"Game for captaincy." He says and my mouth forms a 'O' shape.

"I'll see you there Princess." He says leaving. I sigh. I totally forgot about the game and my right hand still feels a little sore. I notice I'm still in my jeans and sports bra from yesterday. I force myself out of bed heading to the washroom to shower.

After showering, I decide to just wear my pj's and stay in them until I have to change and go out for the game. I walk outside the bathroom to see Jen holding a bag of Timmies and my stomach instantly growls at the sight," Please tell me that's for me." I beg desperately. Jen nods," Yes!" I grab the bag and start munching on the chocolate chip muffin and medium sized English Toffee. "Thank you so much!" I say with a stuffed mouth and Jen laughs.

"Hey, so are you okay? I heard you weren't feeling good and Heath took you home."

"Yeah. Just drank a little too much." I hate lying.

"I see. So are you excited for the game tonight?"

"I'm excited to beat your brother's ass again!" We both laugh.


"Okay guys you need to remember two things. One, boys are always known for their three pointers and lay ups. That means I want someone to always be close down by the hoop and the three point line. Number two, keep your eyes and thoughts on the game forget about anything and everything else. We are going to win this! Understood?!" I ask trying to pump up my team for the game.

"Understood captain!" They all say in unison.

"Most importantly remember to have fun!" The board rings indicating the first period. Kirsten's team is up first and so my team sits down on the bench scanning the players on the guys. I notice Heath is sitting down as well meaning that I'll be playing against him in the shift change.

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