Chapter 20

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Friday. Jen's taking me to buy a car then I'm going to take the car, that I buy, to tonight's fight which is at midnight.

Logan still hasn't sent me the list for the top fifty. I've been getting really nervous about this, because I haven't fought since I was nineteen. About Logan, he told me his flight lands tomorrow at three p.m.

"Riley, are you ready?" Jen asks breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah." I nod.

Jen drives me to a local car dealer. "Ms. Levers. It's a pleasure to see you today. What can I help you with?" A guy greets us wearing his finest suit.

"Mr. Collins, my friend here is looking for a car." He nods and starts walking.

"These are our finest cars." He gestures to a line of Ferraris. They all looked amazing, but the grey one catches my eyes. I was about to say yes to the grey one, but Jen speaks before me.

"We're actually on a budget. Do you have any other cars?" He nods and walks somewhere else. I look at the price of the car. Three hundred eighty five thousand dollars. I sigh. I totally would've blown my cover if I had said yes to him. Of course it's this expensive. I'm so stupid. I need to buy two cars. I'm not letting this one go though. Maybe it would've been smarter if I had thought about all this before... oh well.

We stop in front of a Honda Civic twenty fifteen model. Thirty five thousand dollars. "I'll take it." I say before Jen could interrupt. Jen raises an eyebrow," What? I have money saved up." I shrug.

"Okay, I just have to go to the washroom. I'll meet you inside." She says.

"Okay." I smile. I wait for her to leave." Okay, I want this one and I want that grey Ferrari. You pretend like I'm only buying one in front of Jen. I'm paying by debit for both, and I want you to drop the Ferrari off at this address." I hand him a piece of paper. He nods and we walk inside to do the paperwork.


"Hey, are you sure you will be able to pay the car off?" Jen asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"You know, like you saved that money up and I just didn't want you to spend it all on a car. If you need any-"

"Jen it's nice of you to offer, but I promise I'll be fine." I told Jen I bought this car on a loan so that all this looks more realistic to her. A white lie won't hurt anyone. She nods in response.

"Do you have any plans for the night?" Jen asks.

"I might, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Luke's party tonight."

"Luke's having a party tonight?" My words full of surprise.

"Yeah, I thought he would've invited you."

"Well I didn't get the invitation."

"Looks like he didn't take things as lightly as you thought." Jen comments.

"Yeah." I sigh. I didn't want to hurt him. I hope he doesn't think I was just using him or something. I haven't seen him for two days.


"Hey, I'm leaving." Jen says.

"Okay." I reply. She leaves shutting the door behind her. Finally. I've been waiting for her to leave it's already twelve.

I get up to change. I wear black leggings with an adidas jacket. I zip it up enough to let the grey and pink lined sports bra to show.

I drive my new Honda to the garage I got my Ferrari parked at. "Hey, thanks for keeping my car." I say to Cole. He's a friend of Logan's.

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