Chapter 3

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Pic of Derek

Pretened his eyes are blue XD



"Can I sit here?" A masculine voice asks. I look up to see the alpha of the Silver Blood pack, ranked number 29 out of the 117 in the America. I nod and give him a simple smile, not wanting to seem rude. I know that he's gay and that Ashton hates him for it. He seems nice though.

"I'm Gabriel," I say smiling, smiling is a habit. Kaya thinks it's adorable because of my dimples. Theo just pokes my cheeks all the time.

"I'm Derek," Derek smiles back. I smile and take in his features. Dark brown hair and blue eyes. Good amount of muscles and he looks to be about  6'3. He's good looking, but I don't want anyone but my mate.

I sigh heavily, thinking about Ashton, I want to hold him, cuddle up to him and be with him forever.

"So, want to tell me about yourself?" Derek kindly asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I smile at him as he's trying to make a conversation.

We're currently sitting in the library, I'm doing what I guess is homework and Derek just came over or something like that.

"I'm 16, I like tacos and pizza. I love flying and I have two siblings," I smile. I truly love Theo and Kaya, they are the best siblings in the world.

"Cool," Derek gently smiles, he seems like a cute sweetheart.

"So tell me about yourself," I ask in return, I want to know about him aswell.

"I'm 17, I love wolves. I have a little sister she's 15 and I'm single," Derek winks at me. I blush crimson red. Is he flirting with me? I don't really get the human world.

'Wish Ashton could treat us like that,' Xowe sighs loudly.

'Yeah, but he's a dickhead!' Gwaquxi spits.

'Don't insult our mate!' Mostique replies angrily.

'Guys shut up Gabby's thoughts are enough for today' Xaliq says tiredly.

'Gwaquxi Ashton's our mate no matter what happens, he might be bad now. But eventually he will accept us I think, I know you're hurting as well so let us help you,' I say sincerely.

Gwaquxi is always the tough one and never tells us his feelings or how he feels. I worry about him quite often.

'You know we can hear your thoughts,' Xowe says amused.

'Oh oops forgot about that!' I chuckle awkwardly. Dang, that means they know everything!

'Thanks for being a good person Gabby, and thanks for caring. I would much rather talk about this when the alpha over there isn't staring at us' Gwaquxi laughs.

I snap out of my thoughts to see Derek waving his hand right in front of my face. I guess I spaced out for a bit of time.

"Dude are you alright, you were staring into space for like 5 minutes," Derek says with a concerned look.

Ahh, I really don't want him to care for me in that way, I can read his emotions. He believes he likes me, I can't have that. I wish he'd meet his mate soon.

I'll talk to Artemis about it later, so he can find true happiness with his other half. "Yeah sorry about that, I just thought of something," I tell him. A small smile lingering on my lips. Derek smiles back and we walk together towards P.E.

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