Chapter 5

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(A/N) Happy Sunday, weeble wobbles! ^-^

The next morning, Dan woke up (without another zombie apocalypse scare, thank god), got dressed, and headed off to the mess for breakfast.

After grabbing a bowl of dry Shreddies and an apple, he sat down at yesterday's table next to Phil, who's cabin group was already there.

"Hey," he greeted, setting his food down in front of him.

"Hey," his friends chorused back.

"Anyone know what we're supposed to be doing today?" He asked, guiding a spoonful of cereal toward his open mouth.

"Nah," Charlie replied, taking a bite out of his toast a continuing on, "But I don't think it's going to be as much as yesterday, with the hike and the lake and all. Probably just some random games, a lesson or two, and free time."

Charlie's prediction was on the dot.
They spent almost their entire day playing cheesy camp games and the rest of their time was set aside for another lesson and a bit of free period.

Before Dan knew it, it was already eleven-thirty, time for bed; well, time for everyone else to go to bed, Dan still needed to meet up with Phil.

The blue-eyed boy had quietly slipped him back the note he had given him during the lesson with his reply written on the back.

He had agreed and Dan was over the moon.

To be honest, he didn't even understand why he was so excited. He barely knew Phil but something about him was just so... magnetic. Phil was exciting. Even if he did seem to prefer calm to chaos and kept kind of a low profile, Phil excited Dan. Just looking into his eyes was electrifying.

Around midnight, once he was sure everyone in his cabin had drifted off to sleep, Dan put his plan into action.
Well, there wasn't exactly much of a plan to put into action at all.
You see, in all of his excitement about Phil agreeing to see him tonight, Dan had forgotten one minor detail. He forgot to mention a time or place they would meeting at.

But that was okay, right? Everyone makes stupid mistakes. And he could totally figure this out. This could all still work out. He just had to hope that the rest of Phil's cabin had already fallen asleep, and that Phil himself hadn't conked out.

Dan slid out of bed and shimmied down the ladder, careful not to shake the bunk too much and disturb Charlie.
His naked toes curled in protest as his bare feet made contact with the cold cement floor. He hurriedly slipped on his sandals and snuck out the door, making sure it didn't slap when it shut.

Okay. Now all he needed to do was get Phil outside.

He couldn't very well just barge into his cabin. How well would that go over? Probably a little something like this, Dan thought;
Dan: *crashes through door* ELLO M8s! TIS I, DANYUL, THE SEXY GUY FROM NEXT DOOR!"
Phil: "Dan?"
Oli: *throwing a pillow at him* OI! M8! WHAT 'RE YA DOIN HERE?!"
Howie: *mistakes Dan for a violent intruder and smacks him in the face with a blow drier or something*

Okay so maybe it wouldn't go that badly but it still wouldn't be a good idea for Dan to just walk in. He had to lure Phil out.

And luring him out, of course, meant following every crappy movie, television show, book, fanfiction-- whatever kind of cheesy entertainment you can find, I'm sure at some point in the story there was that silly cliché where one half of your OTP is standing outside the other's house (or cabin, in this case) throwing tiny pebbles at their window, trying to get them to open up.

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