Chapter 17

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(A/N) Hiii frens! *wave* Sorry these updates are slow but I'm just never in the mood to write Pharlie I MISS WRITING PHAN FLUFF! But I'm sure you're all never in the mood to read Pharlie either so let's power through this rough patch.... Ugh I'm so sorry this fic is such a mess....

Charlie was mysteriously ill the next morning.

For some strange, unknown, reason, he had locked himself in the boys bathroom for the better part of the day, and everyone that went in there reported having heard gagging from behind one of the stall doors.

Dan was almost glad Charlie was feeling better when he woke up the morning after that, as it had been hell having to bite back a smug grin or an evil laugh every time someone asked him what had happened to his cabinmate.

He had already begun working out the details of his next prank.
He knew a kid in one of the other cabins that had a rather large stash of itching powder and promised to deal Dan some if he did his chores for him for the rest of the month.

He decided to only use a dash of the stuff, as the kid he got it from had said it was pretty intense, and sprinkled it into Charlie's socks, his shirts, his pants, and prayed this would work.

It wasn't until after dinner that they were all back in the cabin together. Charlie had been scratching all day, but he wasn't doing it as much now as he'd changed into his pajamas for the night, which kind of annoyed Dan. He quite enjoyed watching his enemy constantly itching himself like some kind of ape.

Oh, and another thing that Dan found annoying about Charlie that night, Phil was with him.

They were currently cuddling on Charlie's bed, whispering little things to each other in lowered voices and although Dan couldn't really hear most of what they were saying, every now and then Phil would burst out into a fit of giggles and Dan, who was laying helplessly on his own top bunk bed, would have to put his fist in his mouth every time to stop himself from screaming at them to shut the fuck up.

He heard Phil laughing again, "Stop scratching so much! Why do you keep doing that?"

"I don't know!" Charlie responded, giggly, "Help me?"

Jesus fuck, guys, this isn't a porno. Stop. Dan thought as he listened to the sounds of them shuffling around and their muffled laughter.

"Phil!" Charlie shouted, now laughing loudly, "That's not helping!"

"You like it." Dan heard Phil tell him and had to practically shove his entire hand inside his mouth to keep him from intervening.

What the hell are they doing down there?!

Dan leaned over his bed railing and risked a quick peek at the pair.
Phil was sitting behind Charlie with his legs wrapped around his waist and was tickling him unmercifully, Charlie was practically howling his laughter.

"Stop!" Charlie screamed gleefully, fighting against Phil's hands.

Ugh. I don't want to watch this. Dan sighed and fell back onto his back.
If only he could hang out with PJ right now instead of being trapped here, but unfortunately, he was pretty sure his friend was currently busy making out with Chris behind the dumpsters or something.

Dan forced his eyes closed and rubbed the palms of his hands roughly around his face, pushing his fists into his eyes. If only he had headphones so he could drown out all this with Fall Out Boy.


Dan snuck back to the cabin alone during breakfast that next morning. The rest of his group was still in the mess hall and thought he had just run off to the bathroom, so he'd have to make this quick.

Correction Camp (phanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora