Chapter 24

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Dan woke up with a sore back, a face covered in dirt, and a sleeping boy in his arms.

Confused and feeling an unpleasant numbness in his left arm, he looked around at his surrounding and let out a breathy laugh.

"Hey," he murmured, nudging Phil awake. The boy opened his blue eyes at Dan, tiredly.

"G'morning," Phil croaked, unsuccessfully trying to stifle a yawn.

Dan yawned back at him and smiled. "We must've fallen asleep here last night. Wonder what people back at camp are thinking."

Phil adjusted his position so that he was more hugging Dan than just laying on him and said, "Probably that we pulled a Chris and PJ and snuck into an abandoned bathroom or something to hook up."

Dan laughed and reached up to peck Phil's nose. "So what no, love?" he asked, not really wanting to put forth the effort to stand up yet.

"I don't know..." Phil teased, "Go find an abandoned bathroom and hook up?"

Dan whooped with laughter this time and sat up on his elbows a little so he could give Phil a proper kiss. Their lips met, a bit messily, since they were both pretty much still half-asleep, but it was nice. It was sweet, and if it hadn't been for the bitter taste of morning breath, Dan thought it probably would've been one of their best kisses yet.

"Sorry babe," Dan smirked, pulling away from the kiss and leaning his forehead against Phil's like he'd seen other teenaged couples do on TV.  "But I think we both deserve a better first time than a quickie in a smelly public bathroom."

"True, true," Phil agreed, smiling goofily up at his boyfriend. He'd been kidding anyway... at least, Dan assumed he'd been kidding....

"We'd better start heading back now," Phil said after a beat of silence. "and just hope that no one's noticed that we were gone."


"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!" Randy and Howie screamed at them in unison.

"I told you they were fucking," Chris told PJ quietly, and Dan was sure he saw money change hands.

Dan tried to explain the situation to their counselors, how they truly did not do anything "unholy" and were simply having an innocent star-gazing date night and fell asleep. They didn't look convinced.

Then Phil basically just repeated everything Dan had just said and they seemed to calm down.

Why? Dan didn't have a clue. Maybe it was how Phil said that they didn't want to walk back to Camp in the dark because of "safety reasons." Or maybe it was just Phil's beautiful face that changed their minds. Yeah, that was probably it. Who could possibly say "no" to that face? Only Satan. Oh, who was Dan kidding, even actual The Devil would love Phil to pieces. Because, seriously, who wouldn't?

"You're lucky this is your last day," Randy shook his head. "or you two would've at least gotten extra chores and no dessert for a good week for sneaking out like that."

Dan laughed dryly, crossing his arms over his chest. "As much as I hate chores, dude, I don't think there's anything lucky about going back home after living in this gay paradise all summer."

Randy bit his lip, probably only just then remembering the reason every one of these Campers were sent here in the first place. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry kid. But we'll see you next year, right? Or are you off to Uni next year?"

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