Chapter 2

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I smile to myself as I stare at my hand.

"It's so beautiful," I murmur as I admire my ring.

I feel Joe turn over and wrap his arms around my waist.

"It's not the most beautiful thing in this bed and that's for sure." he chuckles.

"I'm definitely crackers." I say with a laugh.

I cannot believe that Joe and I are engaged. I haven't said it out loud yet because I'm still trying to process last nights events in my mind.

"Well cheese is going to go and get his beautiful fiancée some breakfast from her favourite cafe."

The word fiancée sends chills up my spine as I turn around and press my lips to his.

"I love you so much." I mutter against his lips.

"I love you too." He smiles and almost literally rolls out of the bed. "Are you coming with me or do you want me to bring breakfast to you?"

"Let's eat out." I say, sitting up and throwing my legs over the side of  the bed. "For some reason I actually feel like a morning person today" I joke, grabbing the nearest pair of pants and pulling them on.

"Love does make strange things happen," Joe says, grinning at me from across the room.

It really does.

"How does one usually go about telling 5 million people that they're engaged?" I ponder as I watch Joe finish his pancakes.

He shrugs, "I'm not sure. It's not exactly something that I've done before."

"We should just post a picture. On Instagram or something."

"Is that it? No grand display or anything?" He asks, his brows furrowing.

I shrug, "I want us to be the ones to reveal it not some update account or something. I want things to be under our control for once."

Joe smiles and reaches for his phone and holds out his other hand towards me, "Come on then boss, let's take a picture."


He chuckles, "That's what you were just saying, isn't it?"

"I- uh, yeah. I didn't mean right now though."

"Well that's what I mean. Are you going to give me your hand or not?" He asks, wiggling his outstretched fingers.

I sigh over dramatically and place my hand in his with a slight smile.

He snaps a picture of our linked hands, my ring on show and posts it without letting my hand go.

"We are in complete control love and I don't plan on letting go of that control anytime soon." He says, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything. I don't know what I've done to deserve you but I am so thankful that I can call you mine."

"I'm starting to think you might be cheese."

"Shut up." I say with a laugh. I open instagram and screenshot the picture before reposting it. "Well now it's official" I say as I watch comments come in and soon texts follow.

The Life [The City Sequel] (Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now