Chapter 3

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"His milk is all in the fridge, nappies are under the change table, food is in the cupboard above the sink. Am I forgetting anything?" Zoe asks, rushing around the room and picking up toys from the ground.

I chuckle, "Don't worry, it's not like this is the first time we've babysat. I'm sure between the two of us we will work things out." I promise her.

She sighs and runs her hand through her hair, "I know, I know. It's just we haven't both spent the night away from him since he was born. It's a parent thing, you'll get it when you have kids of your own." Zoe smiles and gives me a big hug. "Thank you so much Riley, I owe you big time. You manage to look after Joe so Noah should be no problem."

I laugh, "Exactly. You and Alfie are going to have a great time this weekend, Noah is in good hands."

"I know," she says with a nod and reaches for her suitcase, "Call me any time if you have questions or anything."

I laugh, "Of course, now leave."

"And don't let Nala get Noah's dummy." she adds in as practically push her out the door.

"I know."

"And there is extra jars of baby food in the cabinet."

Alfie honks the horn and I nod.

"Don't you worry, we have everything under control." I assure her as we stand on the front door step.

Zoe exhales deeply and nods, "Okay. I trust you guys, you are Noah's god parents for goodness sake."

"Exactly. Just have a nice weekend away. Everything will be fine."

Zoe smiles and hugs me again, "You are going to make such a great mum someday." she murmurs before letting me go and heading towards the car.

I wave goodbye before heading back into Zoe and Alfie's house where Joe is sitting on the couch with Noah on his lap.

I smile as I watch Joe play with him, racing a toy car along the arm of the couch.

Noah giggles as Joe drives the car up his leg before catching my eye.

"You alright Miss Stalker, I didn't even hear you come back in." he says with a laugh.

I nod, "You're so good with him, I was just admiring that."

He chuckles, "She's so into me," he says to Noah who just stares back at him blankly, "Oh crap, his lip is quivering, what have I done?!" Joe says before Noah bursts into tears.

I laugh, "He's probably hungry. Pass him here and I'll get his dinner."

Joe passes him to me with no hesitation, typical male.

"Which one did Zoe say is his favourite?" I ask as I venture into the kitchen and open the cupboard up.

"I don't know," Joe replies following me, "It's probably whichever one sounds the most disgusting."

"Creamy tuna and vegetable pasta it is then." I say, grabbing the jar of food from the shelf.

"Creamy tuna? Isn't normal tuna bad enough?" Joe exclaims.

I laugh, "Good thing you don't have to eat it, can you hold him while I get it ready?"

He sighs and holds out his arms. Noah snuggles into his chest immediately and Joe grins, "Maybe he doesn't hate me after all."

"No one could possibly hate you"

"That's not true and you know it." He retorts, his expression turning sour.

The Life [The City Sequel] (Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now