Chapter 4

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I often find myself thinking my life is hectic.

Add a child into the mix and hectic does not even begin to explain it.

Add a supermarket in the middle of London into the mix and, well, you're screwed and not in the good way.

After we drove back to our place from Brighton this morning with Noah I made the realisation that I had majorly fucked up and forgot to pack a bunch of things so we are currently in the middle of a mercy dash to the supermarket. At 5:30pm, otherwise known as supermarket rush hour.

"Seriously, who's idea was this?" Joe asks, he's worse than Noah when it comes to complaining.

"No one made you come," I point out as I grab a bottle of milk.

He chuckles, "Yeah but when you said that I didn't need to come you gave me a look that suggested I might be in trouble if I didn't."

I laugh and shove his shoulder, "Shut up. I meant it." I glance down the aisle and frown, "Do you mind going and getting some nappies while I wait here with Noah. I don't think I can maneuver the trolley through all those people."

Joe nods, "Yes ma'am." and heads down the aisle, narrowly missing walking into a lady with a unusually large pile of paper towels teetering in her arms.

I laugh at him as I hear my name come from the opposite direction.

"Riley?" a distinctly familiar Australian voice calls out.

Fuck my life.

"Save me." I say quietly to Noah who just stares blankly back at me.

"Riley! I haven't seen you in forever." Michael says, approaching me a smile plaster on his face.

I hesitate, "It does seem like that. What are you doing here?" I blurt out, "I just mean, here. At the supermarket." I stammer, undoubtedly turning bright red.

He smiles, "I text you last night, not sure if you received it. We're playing a couple of shows at the O2. You should come."

I sigh, "I- uh, I don't think I can." I say, glancing at Noah who is staring at me like 'who the heck is this strange man' and back to Michael whose attention is now directed at the little boy in the trolley.

"Is there a difference between the blue and pink nappiest?" Joe calls out as he returns to the trolley, "I got both cause I wasn't sure." he says, placing them in the trolley and looking up at me and then to Michael who has gone completely silent.

I just want to melt into the ground right now just purely because of how awkward this is.

"Well, I've got to go. Cal will die if I don't get him his oreos." Michael says, waving the cookies in his hand. "We should catch up properly sometime. See you guys." he says and heads off.

"Well that was awkward." I murmur as Joe turns to look at me.

"And you say he doesn't hate me." He chuckles slightly but I can see the trouble in his eyes.

No one likes being disliked. But Joe absolutely hates it. He gets along with pretty much everyone and I know that things like this take a toll on him because he takes it to heart even though it's not his fault. He is the friendliest person I know and I'm not just saying that because I plan on spending the rest of my life with him, I'm saying it because it is true.

"Can we just go home now please? Noah is getting restless." I change the subject.

Joe sighs and nods, "How about you take Noah to the car and I will checkout. Saves us all waiting in line."

I smile, "Sure. We will go wait in the car then." I say, taking Noah out of the trolley.

Joe nods, "Okay love, I shouldn't be too long."

Without another word I head out of the store to the car with Noah on my hip.

*Joe's POV*

I turn around and, as expected, spot Michael not too far away. I make a beeline for him, narrowly avoiding crashing into a teenager with his eyes glued to his phone.

"Hey Michael!" I call out and he turns around before rolling his eyes dramatically.

"What do you want? Come to rub your perfect little life in my face or something?" He snaps.

"Puh-lease, I have much better things to do with my time." I retort and sigh, "I just wanted to remind you of our agreement. You leave my fiancée alone." I emphasise the word fiancée, "And I will keep your little indiscretion to myself. You don't want word getting out about how you spent the summer, do you?"

Michael scowls, "Right. But I can't stop her from coming to me next time you fuck up and your little family gets torn apart. I'll see you around." He says, his scowl turning into a smirk.

"Fucking asshole," I mutter as he walks off.

What the fuck does he mean by my 'little family'. He doesn't think Noah is ours, does he? He really doesn't know Riley as well as he thinks he does.

When I leave the store and get in the car Riley is playing peek-a-boo with Noah. Her smile almost as wide as his.

"You okay love?" She asks, looking up from Noah to me, "You look a bit stressed."

I force a smile and nod, "I'm fine. It was just really busy in there." I lie, but I can still see the concern in her eyes. She will not let this go.

That's one thing that I equally love and hate about her. Her determination. If Riley senses something she will not simply let it go. She will persist until she gets an answer.

At times it will annoy the shit out of me. But I know that it is just because she cares.

Sometimes I wish she wouldn't care so much.


Hello hello! Long time no type. My bad :P

Sorry about the confusion with the update. I accidentally posted it before it was ready. That's what happens when you forget to lock your phone while carrying it around haha.

Don't forget to give this a good ol' vote and let me know what you think Clifford was up to last summer ;)

Thank you guys so much for your support even though I suck at updating haha. I don't know what I have done to deserve you all xx

Until next time,

I love you all!! xx

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