Chapter Seventeen- Sammy

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Slowly opening his eyes, Sammy blinked a few times before adjusting his eyes to the light around him. Looking around the room he realized he was in a hospital room, making him nervously glance down at his body. He saw his right leg was in a cast, as well as his left arm. He could feel a very itchy bandage around his torso, as well as one on his forehead.

Looking to his left he saw his dad asleep in the chair next to bed, while Sasha was on the other side of him. Trying to lift himself up in the bed, he whimpered in pain, which made his dad's eyes instantly open.

"Sammy," he whispered while ever so gently wrapping his arms around his body. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

"Water," he whispered, frowning when his throat hurt so much. It felt like he hadn't talked in almost a year.

When his dad left to get water he looked over to see Sasha now looking at him, a relieved look on his face. "Sammy," he said while sitting next to him on the bed.

Scrunching his eyebrows, Sammy wondered why there were tears in his brother's eyes. "Why are you crying?" He managed to squeak out while Sasha wiped his eyes.

"Do you not remember what happened?"

"I think I got into a car crash."

"You did... six weeks ago."

"Six weeks?" He asked while his dad walked back into the room, a cup of water and ice in his hands.

Taking the cup from his dad he chugged the entire cup before asking, "What was wrong with me?"

He watched Sasha glance at his dad, who looked like he was on the verge of tears. "It took you a little while to come out of your coma," his dad started saying while a doctor and a nurse were walking into the room.

"Hello Sammy," the doctor said while starting to examine him. "Do you recognize these people around you?"

"Of course, my dad and my brother Sasha. Why wouldn't I?"

"It's not uncommon to have some amnesia after being involved in a crash like you did. Now, do you remember anything about the day you were hit?"

Trying to think back, Sammy was quiet for a few minutes before saying, "I was coming home, the road was icy."

"Good, good. Do you remember whose house you were coming home from?"

"What are you talking about?" Sammy asked. "I was coming home; I wasn't coming from anyone's house."

He watched the look his dad and Sasha exchanged making him ask, "What?"

"Sammy, do you remember Evan Dillon?" Sasha asked.

Thinking for a few moments, he nodded while saying, "That name doesn't sound familiar at all. Is he one of your friends?"

"That's okay Sammy; your memory will come back. It might take a little bit, but you don't have to worry," the doctor said with a smile as the nurse started doing different things to him.

By the time the doctor and nurse were finally gone, he was exhausted. Lying back against the comfortable pillow behind him, he yawned while watching his dad pull his blanket up. "I love you so much," he whispered while gently kissing his head. "Do you need anything else?"

"I'm okay for now."

Just as he was about to close his eyes he felt a hand being placed on top of his. Looking up he saw Sasha looking at him, tears slowly running down his cheeks. "I'm really glad you're okay."

"Thanks, you've always been such a good brother." He couldn't help but notice the way Sasha looked sad after he said that. "By the way, where's mom?" He asked before his eyes were closing all the way.


"Sammy!" Opening his eyes, Sammy saw a girl run into his room, instantly wrapping her arms around him. A guy walked in behind her, a smile on his face. "Oh my god I was so worried. I came to visit you every week, are you okay?" The girl asked while giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Looking at her face, he suddenly felt nervous when he didn't recognize her. "Uh... are you my girlfriend?"

"What?" The girl asked while scrunching her eyebrows together. "It's me silly."

"Don't take it personally," Sasha's deep voice suddenly said from the corner. "He has some amnesia. It seems like he only seems to remember me and my dad."

Sammy watched the way the girl started crying while saying, "You don't recognize me? I'm your best friend."

"Lea, don't traumatize him," the guy behind her said while helping her stand up off the bed.

"Apparently he only remembers me being a good brother."

"You know I can still hear you," Sammy said while grabbing the cup of water off of the table next to him.

No one seemed to pay attention to him when he said that, which honestly didn't upset him. "Have you heard from him Teddy?" Sasha asked in a low voice.

"Not for a few weeks, but he's not coming back."

"How can he just drop out of school like that? And leave Sammy," Sasha said while wrapping his arms around himself.

"I can't answer that, I never thought he would leave. I think the whole issue with Maci really hurt him; he's hardly talking to anyone besides his mom. His girls are doing better, still in a hospital, but they're going to be fine."

The room became silent after that, everyone looking sad. Sammy was about to say something when he felt the weirdest sensation, it felt like he imagined something on his neck. Lifting his hand up to his skin, he shrugged when he didn't feel anything.

"I saw Xander at school yesterday, he didn't want to come here," the girl said to Sasha.


Before he could jump back into the conversation, Sammy watched as a nurse was walking into the room. "Ready for some walking?" She asked while helping him stand up. Glancing behind him at the girl and guy he waved while saying,

"It was nice meeting you two."

When he said that the girl started heavily crying, as the taller guy wrapped his arms around her. Hmm strange. Walking out into the hallway he started walking, his legs still feeling pretty shaky. As they were coming up to a corner he suddenly saw his dad walking down the hallway.


"There's my boy!" His father said while wrapping his arms around him.

"Is mom here with you?" He asked while looking behind his shoulder, trying to see his mom.

For some reason he watched his dad's face fall before saying, "No, she isn't."

"That's okay, she must be busy. I'll just see her tonight."

With that he gave his father one last smile before he continued to walk down the hallway. As they passed a full length mirror he happened to look at himself. He was drawn to his neck again, which was so odd. Walking closer to the mirror he saw a tan line on his skin, making him wonder if he used to wear a necklace. Maybe I lost it in the crash, he thought while shrugging.

Turning back to the nurse he smiled before they continued to make their way down the hallway. By the time he got to his room he was so exhausted, he barely made it to his bed. The moment his head hit the pillow he was instantly out.

He was sucked into a very vivid dream, a dream where someone was sitting behind him while he played video games. The way that the guy had his arms around him felt so intimate, yet very comforting.

When he opened his eyes he looked around the dark room, trying to understand that dream. Maybe that's one of my friends, he thought while snuggling up with his blanket. Deciding not to fret over it he shrugged before closing his eyes, deciding that dream wasn't that important. 

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