Chapter Eighteen- Sammy

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A/N: next chapter will be the Epilogue

Wow, Sammy thought while walking out with his fellow classmates into the auditorium. He took in all the people and the happy atmosphere, making him realize he was really graduating. Since he had missed so much of his final semester, he was forced to stay back a few extra months. So here he was, graduating in December.

Happily smiling, he waved to his father sitting in the audience, Sasha sitting beside him. The past few months have definitely been rough, especially when he learned some of the things he had forgotten since the accident. Having to relearn that his mother had passed away was enough to make his heart break. He also had to learn who his true friends were.

Looking back into the audience he smiled when he saw Lea and Teddy waving at him. They had stood by him ever since they first met in the hospital. Lea took the time to show him pictures of their friendship, which went back many years. The fact that Lea and Teddy were dating made him even happier. Even though he found Lea very pretty, he felt himself being drawn more to guys.

When he sat down in his seat, Sammy nervously started biting his bottom lip while looking around the auditorium. This is it, I'm graduating, he thought. By the time people were getting called up on stage, he was shaking with anticipation.

The shaking only got intensified when his name was called. He only heard Samuel coming out of the principal's mouth before he started walking across the stage. Eagerly grabbing his diploma he smiled at the principal before turning to walk away. However something in the back of the room caught his eye. A man was standing in the back, a man who looked very familiar. From what he could see of him he had brown hair and dark looking eyes. There was also something shiny around his neck, looking like a necklace. However before he could keep looking at him he suddenly remembered he was on a stage. As his face turned red with a blush he turned away, practically sprinting off of the stage.

By the time he made it back to his seat the man in the back was gone, making him wonder if he simply imagined him. The man was quickly escaping from his mind when everyone's name was finally called. Sammy watched in awe as hats all around him were suddenly flying up into the air. Giggling, he took his own hat off before throwing it up into the air as well.

When everyone started moving around him, Sammy quickly turned towards the audience, trying to look over the sea of people to see his family. Finally finding his twin in the crowd, he happily smiled while he started running. Running into Sasha's arms he laughed when his brother picked him up and gave him a giant bear hug. "Congrats baby bro."

Laughing, Sammy smiled at him while he was gently being placed back onto the ground. He was then being picked up by his two best friends before his dad hugged him. "Your mom would have been so proud," his father quietly said into his ear.

"Thanks dad."

Turning back towards his friends his smile returned back to his face, never leaving the rest of the night. Somehow everything seemed to be going in the right direction; he couldn't wait for the next chapter in his life. However even though he was very happy at the moment, he couldn't get the loneliness feeling out of the back of his mind. Something seemed to be missing in his life, but somehow he wasn't able to pinpoint what or who, was missing.


~Four Years Later~

Hearing a soft buzz, Sammy glanced down to see his phone ringing in his pocket. Grabbing the iPhone from his pocket he smiled when he saw his father's picture. "Hey."

"Hey bud, what are you up to?"

Walking quickly into the building in front of him, Sammy shivered from the cold breeze in the air. "Not too much, just got out of class."

"Has it hit you that you're a senior yet?"

Laughing, Sammy started to walk through the building before ending up in a small coffee shop. "Not really, how is time going so fast?"

"You're asking me, I wish you were still tiny."

After ordering a giant hot chocolate, Sammy started walking towards the local post office. He wasn't expecting anything, and felt very confused when he saw an envelope. Vaguely listening to his dad talking about his new practice, he pulled the envelope out to see it was from MIT. Scrunching his eyebrows together he quickly opened the envelope, making sure to put his drink down.

When he opened the envelope he gasped, not believing what he was saying. "Sammy, are you okay?"

"I don't believe this."

"What happened?"

"I got accepted into the MIT graduate school program."

Feeling tears in his eyes, Sammy continued to read the letter over and over, not believing what it said. "Oh Sammy I'm so happy for you! I know how hard you worked for this."

"Oh my god, I can't believe this!"

Putting the letter into his inside coat pocket, he happily grabbed his hot chocolate before starting to walk back to his dorm. When he was close to his dorm he was still talking to his dad, before running into someone when he turned the corner.

Gasping, Sammy watched as his hot chocolate landed all over the front of the man's coat, soaking it. "Oh god, I'll have to call you back," Sammy said while shoving his phone into his pocket. "I am so sorry!"

"It's okay." Looking up he saw a man with long black hair smiling down at him, his green eyes twinkling behind glasses. "I didn't like this coat anyway."

Smiling, Sammy couldn't help but stare up into those eyes. "I'm Flynn," the man said while holding his hand out.

Shaking the very attractive man's hand, Sammy felt a blush creep up onto his face while he continued to stare into those eyes. Ever since he graduated from high school he felt like something had been missing from his life. As he stared up into those eyes, he wondered if this could be the missing link in his life. He had been alone ever since his accident, simply because he didn't know what he was missing. Standing in front of a gorgeous man was making him wonder if he really was missing out on something more in his life.

"I'm Sammy," he said with a smile, his heart beating a million miles a minute. This is what I've been missing in my life, Sammy thought with a smile.

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