"I watch the screen..."

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Ember Lucki- Sibling of Forrest (D3):
I am still in awe that he made it past the first day. I honestly braced myself for the worst. He's in there with people without any kind of mercy.

I might only be twelve, but I was informed of all of this beforehand, incase I happened to be the one entering the games this year. Granted, I don't think that would have been an issue as April promised me she would have volunteered, but it was mandatory for schools to teach us the truth about this annual event.

So I learnt the truth. And now I know. And I know how easily Forrest escaped death earlier. And I'm thankful his life had lasted just a bit longer.

But, on the other hand, he killed someone today. You don't just do that! I know he did it in self defense, but murder is just- just... wrong. He blatantly murdered one of the two girls from four. I don't really know if my life is ever going to be the same after these games, although I'm not actually in them. And I'm bloody terrified.

Trouble Saturn- father of Amethyst (D6):
I wake up as I hear the blaring noise of my alarm clock. I look over to where my wife, Daisy should be, but just see emptiness. That's peculiar. I wonder if she went over to the square to scream at the television wishing the death of her daughter was avenged. Her murderer, Natalie was killed aswell later in the day, but Daisy doesn't feel like Amethyst will be avenged until every single career apart of that alliance is dead. Flint, Petunia, and Tina are still alive.

I can understand that. It was their plan to kill her, and many others. Why Amethyst!? Why did you volunteer yourself? I never blamed you for Topaz's death.

It was the Capitol that killed Topaz, not you. I wish I could have shook that thought out of her head, and I should of. But, woulda, coulda, shoulda. It's too late now.

I pull the sheets off my body and step out into the darkly lit house. I step onto the tile flooring and advance inside the kitchen. I flick on the lights and see a terrifying sight.

Blood. Blood everywhere. I see blood splatters all over the floor, and chunks of skin. I spy an eyeball rolling around in a pool of crimson. The worst sight of all, is seeing my wife unbreathing, with chunks of her arms, face, stomach, and leg missing.

That's when reality sinks in. I'm alone. I am truly alone.

Trisha Zapha- mother of Ray (D1):
I stand in the crowd with dozens of other Capitol citizens eagerly watching the games. I dare not take my eyes off the screen. I thought that once Ray volunteered, my dreams could be fulfilled.

He'd be rich. That means, I'd be rich. I would have returned home to him, caught up with him, and brought him back to the Capitol. He would have been my pride and joy.

Oh well, you can't have everything in life. I just hope that other girl Petunia wins. District 1 needs yet another winner. Your home district simply cannot have enough, you know?

I watch the screen as I see a bunch of tributes sleep, eat, and hunt, although none have found each other yet. I hope they do soon, I'm craving action.

The games simply aren't the games without action. I fix my mint green wig, as the wind began to blow it away. I grin maliciously as a fight began in the arena between two tributes. Alas, as soon as it began, it ended, and my smile faded. I guess I'll have to simply wait for another glimpse of action.

Derrick Brenden- Father of Madeline (D3):

I am terribly disappointed in Madeline. She was put into those games for a reason, and she isn't doing so.

She came in these games to kill. She wanted to get out all her wickedness, and brutality and use it in order to gain fame. I know my daughter is brutal. It's her sense of character.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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