What's A Mate?

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"Where is she? I know she's here." I growled at the Alpha in front of me. He was shorter than me by at least 6 inches, which made him flinch away from me as I looked down on him. That and my line backer build intimidated him even more.

"I-I don't know what you mean." He stuttered. Harvey was shaking in his damn boots. I could smell the fear radiating off him. I knew it was more than because of who I was. It was because he was hiding something. I came to his pack to discuss where to establish neutral territory between our packs, but as soon as I walked up the stairs to his office, I just knew who was here.

"You told me there was no one in this house. That it was empty so we could be free to discuss business. But I can smell her. There is a female in this house." I took a threatening step towards him. "Now where. Is. She ?" I growled through clenched teeth. I could feel the spirit of my wolf just clawing away at the back of my mind, begging to be let out.

He stared at me wide eyed. "I-It's just Jasabelle. The pack runt. She's our servant."

I had my hand around his neck in an instant. He struggled against me trying to regain some of his dominance as an alpha, but at 25 years old, I was half his age and twice his size. My grip was steel.

"Take. Me. To Her." I commanded. Harvey nodded still struggling against my grip. I let him go and he collapsed into a heap on the floor. I scoffed. Pathetic.

He stood and held his chin high trying to keep some of the dignity he had left as he led me out of the room. I followed him up another flight of stairs and we came to a stop infront of a closed set of stairs to an attic. The scent of jasmine and honey was overwhelming and I knew this is where she was.

I yanked down the stairs and rushed up them two at a time. The attic was a shit hole of a place. It was small, overly warm with no windows, and I couldn't even stand to my full height. I looked around and saw a crappy twin bed, with a dresser that was falling apart and a faded rocking chair. That was all the furniture I saw, and none of it matched. I tried to reign in my anger but a growl escaped me. How dare they make her live like this?

A whimper caught my attention and I turned to find a small little figure huddled in the corner of the attic. Her head was tucked between her knees but I could see long light brown hair that was unkempt and faded jeans with a faded over sized sweater. I slowly made my way over and stopped dead in my tracks when she looked up.

She had the most beautiful amber colored eyes I have ever seen. I nearly stopped breathing as I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. I could see our souls meeting and dancing around each other. My wolf howled in happiness to have finally found his mate. Our Luna.

She on the other hand looked absolutely petrified and confused. I could see the conflict going on behind her eyes. I closed the distance between us and bent down to be at eyes level with her.

I gently pushed a stray hair away from her face and was hurt when she flinched away. As if realizing her mistake she held her breath.

"I-I-I am sorry Alpha for moving away. Please don't punish me." She whispered in fear and closed her eyes.

I growled and picked her up, bridal style, and held her close to my chest breathing in her scent to calm me down.

"I will never hurt you mio amoure." I whispered into her ear.

I turned to find Harvey staring, jaw-slacked. "S-she's your..."

"Yes." I snapped. I felt Jasabelle stiffen in fear at the sound of my voice. I turned my attention to Harvey. "What did you do to her?"

"W-we did what we normally do to runts. They are maids. They don't finish school. She was the only one so she did all the work." He shrugged.

I walked up to him and got in his face. "If she was not in my arms, I would kill you right now. Thank her."

He blinked at me stupidly. "What?"

"I said thank her! She's the reason you're not in a pool of your own blood." I growled at him angrily.

"T-Thank you runt." He stammered.

"Her name is not runt you bastard." I snapped.

"Jasabelle. Thank you Jasabelle." He whispered harshly.

I set Jasabelle down and ordered Harvey to leave. "Jasabelle pack anything important. You're coming with me, and you're never coming back."

She looked up at me with those big doe eyes and nodded quickly rushing over to her bed. She was short. No taller than 5'3", and at 6'7" she was almost like a doll.

I saw her struggle slightly to move the twin bed, but managed anyways. I noticed that though her skin was tan, she was paler than she should've been and definitely underweight. She had little to no muscle on her body.

She took out a small backpack and moved to her dresser and placed a jewelry box inside of the bag carefully. She then moved the rocking chair out of place and pried a floorboard out of place and picked up a small lock box and put that into the bag as well. She then grabbed an old stuffed bunny off her bed and stuffed that into the bag before zipping it shut.

I rose my eyebrows as she stood in front of me with the bag in her hand. "That's it? Nothing else love?"

Jasabelle's head was bowed but I could still hear her soft voice. "I don't have much sir."

My heart nearly broke. She had nothing here and it made me angry. But I pushed it aside. I was going to give her the world before but now I would make sure she would get whatever she wanted. She deserved it.

I grabbed the bag from her hand and took her small hand in my large one. She tensed as I led her down the stairs. We passed Harvey's office and I led her through the front door and outside to my truck. I placed her bag inside and opened the passenger side door for her and helped her up.

She was in awe at the truck and ran her hands delicately over the dashboard. It was cute to see her like this. She froze and looked over to find me staring. She quickly snatched her hands back and buckled her seatbelt before sitting rigidly in her seat facing forward.

I sighed and shut her door before walking around the truck. I climbed into the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway and soon was on my way back to my pack house.

We drove in silence for almost an hour before she spoke. "Sir, where are we going?" her voice was at nearly a whisper and was laced with fear.

"Call me Nyx baby girl. We're on our way back to my territory. More specifically, my home."

"W-why?" she stuttered.

I glanced over to find her staring at me intensely. I chuckled at her innocent expression. "Because you're my mate."

She cocked her head confused at me. "What's a mate?"



Soooooo I completed one wolf story to start a new one *grins* here you guys go! When We Were Young, It's All Greek & The Alpha's Runt are the only three stories that will be getting updates now. I'm going to attempt to update each of them every week so the chapters may be a lot shorter than this but hey, at least I'm gonna update right?

Well I hope you enjoy the new story! Vote, comment and fan if you love it! Thanks a ton guys!



& Baby Ducks<3

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