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I could feel Jaxon slowly giving me back control, yet I could still feel the rage within me still burning my blood.

I know my father had fucked some basket cases, but I didn't know being fucking insanely stupid was hereditary.

"I cannot believe she had the nerve to show up here after fucking murdering a council member's daughter!" I exclaimed pacing back and forth in front of our bed that Jasabelle now sat on the edge of, just watching me. "She has to be completely out of her mind."

"Nyx," Jasabelle began softly, "It's okay. She knows now that she can no longer come to you to fix her mistakes. She will have to deal with the consequences of her actions."

I scoff at the statement. "That doesn't mean she won't keep trying."

Jasabelle sighed. "That's why you have to remember that you owe her nothing, while she owes you her entire lifetime and more."

I sighed, running my rough hands down my face before speaking again. "Jasabelle, it's hard for me not to try and grasp at the little family I have. I've been fucked over and over again. This is the closest to normal I can get; sending my horrible siblings money to maintain themselves. I have a dead father thanks to yours truly, I have an estranged mother who left in the most vulnerable time of my life, and two half siblings who may as well have been raised by the devil himself. But they have my blood, they are all matter how much I want them gone. Pack is my life. To guard, to protect and to love."

Jasabelle came over to me, draping a small arm over my broad shoulders. "Pack is not about those who share your blood, but share in your love of family. Family is not chosen, but dealt out. You were dealt a shitty hand, yet you still one the game. You have a pack that has chosen to be your family. This pack would give their lives to defend each other. That is family, not the bullshit half siblings who break into your house and demand things."

I looked into those honey eyes and gave her a smile. She was right. This pack is a family that has chosen to stick together though thick and thin. They have chosen to stay and love each other no matter what. My pack has shown me nothing but respect, love, and loyalty as their Alpha. These people have pledged to be my family, even after being under the control of my father who nearly destroyed this pack.

This pack is my family.

Jasabelle is my family.

"You and this pack are the only family I think I'll ever need." I paused before correcting myself. "Well until we have pups. Then I think I could let them into our family."

Jasabelle blushed slightly at the mention of our pups. I could see her eyes light up at the mention of starting our own little family, but it did not pass me that she had been passionate about family bot having to be blood related, it could be chosen.

"Jasabelle, do you know anything about your parents?" I asked her, encasing her small hands in my larger ones.

My mate's eyes turned sad as she looked away from me before speaking. "They-They left me."



Hey bunnies, here is the long awaited chapter after saving it -slightly- from a corrupted file of the entire story. I have come to the conclusion I need to save this damn story in two different places-hard copy and my laptop....and the cloud lol- but here it is guys! I hope you love it ! 

I wanted to put up a new chapter this weekend but I'm working three doubles at work this week along with two more regular shifts. I've also been picking up doubles left and right these last couple of weeks, so that adds to the whole not writing thing. Sorry, but this hustle never stops guys! But I try to balance my life as much as possible! Don't worry, I wont make you wait as long as last time!

Anyways as always bunnies,



& Baby Ducks<3

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