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It had been nearly a week since Athena had her soul ripped from her body and though Nyx tells me he doing okay, I can tell he is lying to me.

Nyx locks himself in his office for ten hours of the day, and barely says a word during dinner and it concerns me how much he has cut himself off from me. Sometimes at night I wake up and I find him crushing me to his chest so hard that I sometimes find small bruises on my ribcage.

I know it is not him trying to hurt me and just his subconscious mind trying to comfort himself, but I am slowly growing scared for his safety and mine alike.

I made the decision to talk to him today during dinner. I was humming a tune I had learned over the course of the week while listening to the radio; I had taken a liking to this woman Beyoncé's music. I was making Nyx's favorite dish - handmade cheese tortellini with homemade 3 cheese, cheese sauce and a hint of tomato paste served with honey baked chicken - hoping it would soften him up enough to listen to me fully.

I was just taking the chicken out of the oven when I heard the heavy footsteps of my mate descending from his office upstairs. I hurriedly put the pan of chicken on the fully prepared table next to the pasta and wiped my hands on the apron I was wearing before I threw off behind the island.

I was wearing a fitting pair of jeans, a turquoise colored long sleeve fitted shirt and a pair nude heels. Nyx loved me wearing these kinds of outfits; he said they kept me looking classy yet casual at the same time.

I waited for him to enter the dining room before sitting down. I looked at him loving and I almost sighed at the cold face staring back at me not giving me any hope in this conversation going well.

Nyx walked up to me, dressed in a navy button up, his favorite semi fitted jeans, and combat boots. "Hello love," he greeted kissing me on my temple, almost emotionlessly, like it was just simply a routine, "Everything my favorites." He finished with a softened look when he eyed the table.

"Yes, I decided to make your favorites tonight since you have been working so hard." I smiled softly as I spoke, hoping to calm his spirit just enough to interact with him more.

His green eyes lit up with the small smile he offered me. "Thank you love," he reached over and grabbed my hand gently, "I appreciate you doing this for me. I know I have been very distant since...what happened last week but I really am going to start coming out of my hermit's place."

I smiled at him and rubbed his knuckles. "Thank you Nyx. Now let's eat before it gets cold."

We ate in a comfortable silence until we were done. I cleared the table and told him to stay seated while I got his favorite dessert; mango flavored gelato.

I placed the small crystal bowl full of the magical dessert in front of him with our best silverware knowing he liked to use it when eating his gelato.

Nyx gave me a beaming grin before digging into the dessert.

I sighed knowing that the good mood he is in will turn to dust after what I was about to tell him.

"Nyx," I spoke softly and caught his attention. "We have to talk about something serious."

Nyx gave me his full attention with his spoon still in his hand. "What is it Jasabelle?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking over to stand in front of him. He adjusted himself to look up at me as I stood in front of him. I lifted the shirt I was wearing earning a shocked look until he took a good look at my ribs and his gaze was suddenly murderous.

"Who the fuck did that to you?" I could hear him slowly losing his control to Jaxon.

I looked him directly in his green orbs before giving him a truth he wouldn't want to hear.



710 WORDS. 

Hello my bunnies! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for 50k reads and 1.5k votes! Thats insane! This story is officially my most read book! I'm so proud of it and the turn it has taken. 

But other than that, how do you guys like this chapter? Pretty good huh? I thought I 'd put in an issue that could happen to anyone after a loss. Please guys, if you take anything from this chapter, make sure to talk to someone. Bottling it up hurts you and others around you. 

As always,



& Baby Ducks<3

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