Though She Be But Little, She is Fierce

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I woke up wrapped in the warm embrace of my mate. The smell of sugar cookies surrounded me, and I couldn't get enough of it. I smiled sleepily up at his beautiful face. Nyx had some stuble on his jaw since he hadn't shaved in a few days. I gingerly ran my finger down the side of his face and traced his sharp jawline with a slightest touch of my fingertips. I admired the way his long black lashes fanned his cheeks ever so slightly and the way his wavy hair fell across his forehead in a disheveled way. His tan skin glowed in the sliver of sunlight that spilled into the room.

I sighed and lay my hand on his chest, drawing small circles on it. I thought about our mating-or lack thereof. It was a subject matter for me that I was struggling with. I hadn't heard from my wolf in a long time, ten years to be exact. Having a mate was made harder for me because my wolf was dormant, and I didn't feel as strongly as I should for my mate, but I did feel strongly for him. But lately I felt something in the back of my mind that made me restless. I hadn't told Nyx about me thinking its my wolf, trying to come out and meet her mate. I didn't want to get mine or his hopes up, just incase it didn't happen. I had my heart broken many times thinking my wolf would come back to me after that torturous night. I shook my head, not wanting to think to hard about that night.

I went back to thinking about my mate, and why he hadn't marked me yet. I know that usually alphas will mark and mate with their mate the first night they meet. But it had been almost two months, and here I was: unmarked and unmated. There have been many nights between us spent with passionate kissing, lots of licking and everything in between, but not mating. Nyx would always stop himself if the kissing went too far, or if too many clothes came off, or if his licking turned into vigorous fingering, or even if it was me pleasuring him and he felt his grip on my hair was too tight.

I could see in his eyes the battle with his wolf. Jaxon was desperate to come out and mark me, but Nyx continuously pushed him back. It hurts to think that Nyx doesn't want to mark me so much, that he endures the pain that is refusing your wolf and fighting against them. It takes true power and a lot of pain to make sure your wolf does not surface, to go against the natural instinct of your wolf.

"You'll hurt yourself thinking so hard baby girl." Nyx's husky voice whispered in my ear, startling me out of my thoughts.

I turned onto my side to look him in his beautiful green eyes and took a deep breath before asking my next question.

"Why won't you mark me?" My voice was steadier than I expected it to be.

Nyx sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Jasabelle," he began softly, "I don't think you're ready to handle the marking. I don't want to hurt you baby."

Nyx sat up on the bed and I followed suit, adjusted so I was sitting on my feet. "You won't hurt me Nyx." I stated with conviction.

He gave me a small smile and brushed a strand of hair behind my ears. "I am not a gentle man Jasabelle. Every day I have to keep myself in check around you. By nature I am strong, demanding and controlling. By choice I am harsh, rude and a bastard. But around you I try so hard to be the caring and loving mate you deserve. If we were to fully mate, I don't know if I could give you caring and loving. I don't want to push you into anything other than the love and peace you deserve." He then paused. "And I don't want to put a target on your back."

I titled my head confused at the statement. "What do you mean?"

"I have many enemies. Many people envious of my power, who are willing to do anything to take me down. And that means hurting you. I cannot and will not let you get hurt. Being Luna will make you unsafe. I don't know if I can handle putting you in that kind of danger. It is my duty to keep you away from danger." Nyx's hand gripped mine tightly, but not tight enough to hurt.

I reached over with my other hand and caressed his cheek with my hand. He leaned into my touch as I spoke.

"You can only worry about me if you keep me in the dark Nyx. You are my mate, you are here to protect me, but who will protect you. Being a mate is a mutual protection; you to me and I to you. You want to protect me? Help me protect myself. Make me stronger. Help me be ready to lead this pack. I want to take my role as your Luna." My last words come out soft and vunerable. I needed him to understand that this is my duty to our pack. I wanted to be Luna, and to take on all the dangers that came with it. I needed to be his Luna.

Nyx looked at me with his green eyes in adoration before leaning over and placing a delicate kiss on my lips.

"Jasabelle, you never cease to amaze me with your strength and courage." He whispered.

I smiled. "I may have been born a runt, but I always destined to be your Luna. I must be stronger than I look."

"I know you are baby," Nyx smiled. "Sometimes I just want to keep you locked away from harm and safe, but I know I can't do that. Your rightful place is by my side."

"That it is."



Okay so this is where I apologize for not updating in over twenty days. I am so freaking sorry, but I have been SWAMPED with classes and work five days out of the week, so Im not too sorry, cause lets be honest, school is top priority as of now. I actually wrote this out by hand while in one of my classes soooooo I hope you appreciate the time I took out of my class to do that!

But hey! Look at this progress between them! I'm so happy for them! :D Make sure to comment about this chapter and let me know what you think!

But thank you again guys for all the positive feedback and messages about the story, I'm so glad my little bunnies enjoy it so much! 

Until next time(hopefully sooner than later),



& Baby Ducks<3

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