Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Remember, use the heel of your palm to strike up under the nose-" Natasha thrust her palm up with a grunt, then she lifted her leg and kicked out. "-and make sure your foot connects to the side of the knee. You're small, but push all your weight into it. For now, your aim is to inflict pain and then get your ass out of there. Understand?"

Paige nodded and copied the move again, a bit awkward in her inexperience but grateful for the distraction. After the Species women had shared what they knew of the Nicolai facility, including a rough estimate of staff employed under Dr. Malcolm's watch and the habits they'd observed from the guards, Paige hadn't been able to sleep despite her mother's insistence. How could she? Even without a clock to keep track of the hours, they all knew her time had run out. It wouldn't be long now until Dr. Malcolm returned demanding answers she knew in her heart Natasha couldn't give them.

Paige wouldn't let her.

Many things remained unspoken between them, but of one they were both certain. Even if Natasha gave up the NSO under duress, it wouldn't stop Dr. Malcolm from using Paige as a test subject. It's what Mercile did; they lied for their own gain, without regard to the people who paid in blood for their ambitions. But Natasha dealt with criminals of that sort for a living. She knew the game Dr. Malcolm offered, and whether Paige liked it or not, she'd become a pawn.

"You're getting better with your footwork," Natasha said, massaging her left shoulder. She smiled. "Proud of you, honey. Now, let's go over our target areas one more time-"

"What do you hope to gain with that?" 619 called out. She'd been keeping track of Paige's progression while sitting cross-legged on her cot. 11 remained on the floor studying every technique with interest, though now her attention was drawn to her companion.

"That?" Natasha wiped her brow with the back of her hand, while regarding 619 with a frown. "Other than the obvious?"

"So it is your intent to provoke the male, then?" 619 shook her head. "I do not understand. You spoke of living with our people at this Homeland, and you are acquainted with the failures of our kind who occupy Reservation, but you teach your runt to be nothing but a nuisance to a male who has no tolerance."

Paige narrowed her eyes at 619. "Hey, I told you not to call me that. It's rude. I'm slightly below average in height, but I'm not a friggin' midget, okay? Quit it."

"43 was a runt by Species standards, and Mercile did not consider her death a great loss. They have no use for a test subject with inferior traits." 619 cocked her head to the side. "You are weaker than a runt, human. X-013 will see you as prey."

Drawing her back straight, Paige allowed the additional inch and a half of her five-foot frame to bristle at her words. Wrung out, hungry, and fighting the urge to use the camp toilet placed in the corner of her cage, she really did not need to hear that. Anger pushed itself through the thick layer of fear she'd been struggling to cope with as the hours passed, and the uncomfortable pressure she felt in her chest disappeared. She curled her lip, baring her teeth at 619 before she hissed, "I am not prey, pup!"

Expecting a snarled retort, it came as a surprise to everyone, including 11, when 619 threw her head back and just laughed. It was a rich, husky sound that Paige thought, if it were heard at a bar, would likely draw the attention of every male in the room. When 619 regained her composure, her nose flared while she offered Paige a triumphant smile.

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