Chapter 11

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i'll make this feel like home


The minute I woke up I knew my entire body was going to be sore. My body feels like I haven't been to the gym in over a year and then decided to target every muscle group the first day back. There were parts of my body I didn't even know could become sore. I sat up slowly and realized I was still outside with the little city below me. I turned my head and noticed Chance was still asleep beside me. His tail was curled around us and his head was resting on his front paws. I groaned, which sounded more like a growl and caused Chance's ears to perk up. His eyes shot open and he immediately stood in a defensive stance and began taking in all his surroundings. When he realized that it was just me who made the noise, he laid back down on the ground.

Can we go back now? I asked through our weird mind connection. I just wanted my human body back. I was still in the process of believing that werewolves were even real and now I'm suddenly one of them. I was going to have a long, long talk with my therapist. But before I go into a spiral, I just wanted to shift back into my body, take a hot shower, get something to eat to shut up the gurgling in my stomach, and then sleep in a warm bed.

Sure, follow me back. Chance responded while getting up and stretching out his long legs.

Chance waited for me to stand and gain my balance before he then leaped into the air and began running into the trees that were behind us. I followed closely behind him, my paws smashing the flowers beneath me. Within ten minutes we were back at the London Wolves pack house. The only people outside with us were the patrolling guards. It made sense since the sun was still rising on the horizon.

How do I change back? I asked, sitting on my hind legs. I was so unbelievably tired. I don't even think I want to change into this form ever again. I like speaking and walking on two legs way better.

Chance looked around. Let me get some clothes for the two of us. For the future, if you are ever stuck having to shift without clothes, sometimes there are clothes hidden within trees near most packs. The clothes are stored within the trunks. The trees that have clothes within them have a tiny wolf carved at the bottom to signal other wolves. After changing, it's always polite to replace the clothes you took with something new, if you have the time. So, if you ever need to shift back in the woods in a hurry, just look for a wolf carved into the tree. It's important to try and always have spare items of clothing with you. Once you shift back you're naked.

I listened closely to what Chance was telling me. Now that I'm thinking about it, some of the trees in the wolves behind my grandparents house had tiny wolves carved into the bottom of the truck trunks. I always assumed that someone just liked doing that or it was my grandma marking a path within the woods.

Chance went behind a tree and when he came back, he was human and wearing a pair of basketball shorts. In his hands were a t-shirt and similar shorts to the ones he was wearing now. "So, what I tell the newly shifted wolves in my pack is to just shut your eyes and imagine your body. Imagine what it feels like when you're in your human form. Imagine the way you feel and what you associate with your human self. Just breathe deeply and relax. Don't think of anything else but your human self. You will shift and it will hurt the first few times. When you get used to shifting, you won't even need to think about your human self, it'll just be instinct. Here, take these and go behind that tree. I'll be waiting right here for you."

I put the clothes in my mouth and ran over to shift behind the tree. I imagined myself with my short hair, average height, and the way it feels to walk on two legs. I pictured myself smiling and being with my family again. Within minutes I felt my bones begin to crack to help shift them back into their normal places. I bit my lip in agony, trying not to let Chance know I felt like I was dying of pain again. When I reopened my eyes, I was standing naked. I quickly put the clothes that Chance had given me onto my body.

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