Preview of The Heir

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if there were to be a sequel, here is something that would be in it (most likely the prologue)  (the sequel would also be from Jamie and Jace's POV)

if you read the last chapter, then you know the biggest issue was of their first born, a girl, Jamie, getting the pack when she turns 18 (so basically this is about 9 years after the bonus chapter). this chapter is of her getting the pack and... well I guess you will see what happens.

enjoy, vote and comment if you want more or a spin off :)



"Today's the day! Are you nervous? Are you excited?"

Jamie looked at me, a weary expression on her beautiful face. Today, she turns 18. My first born is an adult. "I'm very nervous, mom, why did the law have to change?"

"I guess it was because too many people weren't finding their mates and the old Alpha and Luna's were beginning to get old."

She sighed and turned around staring out the window, watching our pack members set up chairs for tonight. 

When I became Luna, the laws were different. When the next in line Alpha found his mate, that was when he could take over the pack from his father and mother. Chance had to wait until a few years after his 18th birthday until he could take over this pack because it took a little longer than normal to find me. 

Over the last few years, many Alpha's have not been finding their mates in the time frame of 18-25 and the old Alpha and Luna's were getting older. It was becoming harder for them to run their packs. So, the laws changed. The law now states that the next in kin must become Alpha on their 18th birthday, even if they didn't find their mate yet. It was going to be hard for Jamie because she is technically running this pack herself, but Chance and I aren't officially stepping down. For the first few months we are going to help her and show her the ropes of running the pack and be there to guide her. I even told her I will host parties and invite members from other pack in hopes of her finding her mate. We have had three parties and so far she has had no luck. I'm not too worried. Jamie is young still and beauitful beyond her years. I know whoever he is, he will show up soon. 


"Yeah?" I questioned, looking at Jamie.

"You zoned out again."

I half laughed. "Well, after having four children, your brain kind of goes fuzzy sometimes."

Jamie smiled at me and then her smiled dropped. "Jace still isn't talking to me, mom. Am I doing the right thing? I'm scared that I'm never going to have a relationship with him again." 

The law states that the pack goes to the first born child but it is very rare for the first born child to be a female. I think in all of history, Jamie would be the first female Alpha. Jace thinks he deserves this pack and for a while, so did Chance. Chance came around but Jace, not so much. I want him to, but I can't tell what that boy wants anymore. He's just like his father; stubborn. 

"Honey, you are doing the right thing. This is what you want, right? You shouldn't put your happiness and wants on hold for someone else. He's your brother and he will get over it, I promise you. You are going to be an amazing Alpha. Jace loves you very much. Give him some time."

"I have been giving him time. It's been five years since I offically started training and the most I get from him is a grunt every now and then. He hates me, mom."

I shook my head and went closer to Jamie, wrapping my arms around her. "He doesn't hate you. You know how stubborn Jace is, he gets that from your dad. You are becoming Alpha tonight, okay? This is what you have wanted since you were nine! You've been training for this for years, you got this. Jace has been training as well, but for different things. You know how well of a fighter he is. He is going to become the leader of our army one day, you know that. This is what the Moon Goddess wants or else I wouldn't have been blessed with you as my first born."

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