Chapter 20

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go ahead, rip my heart out, 

that's what love's all about  


Before Carter could bite into my shoulder, a body slammed into his. My head was pounding from it being slammed into the ground. My wolf was screaming at me to get up and fight or run but I couldn't. Looking to my left, I saw that Luke was on top of Carter. I screamed out to Luke as one of Carter's minions attacked Luke from the side. Luke yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. The three girls were standing there, shaking in fear. I crawled over to Luke, seeing the blood pouring out of his wound.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch?"

Carter snarled at me, blood coming out of his noise. He walked over to me, claws coming out of his fingers. I made sure the girls were as far away from us as possible because if anything happened, I wanted to be the one to get hit, not them. Carter lunged at me and I tucked my head into my chest, waiting for the impact that never even happened. Carter's body was slammed into the wall and next to him, stood Chance, looking very angry.

"I thought I told you to stay off my land." Chance said while growling. I could tell his wolf was at the surface, ready to attack. Chance looked at me and eyed me up and down to look for any open wounds on me. I gave him a small smile, letting him know I was okay. With Carter and his idiots distracted, I went over to Luke. He was laying on the floor, a small pool of blood surrounding him.

"Where are you bleeding at? There's so much blood." I wanted to stay calm and strong for Luke but my voice was so shaky. Luke lifted his right hand and pointed to his stomach. A large bite was present and I could see where the shirt was ripped. The bite was really deep and I was beginning to panic. I quickly took off my shirt, leaving me in just my sports bra. I tied my shirt around Luke as tight as I could to try and stop the blood from coming out any more. I put pressure on the wound and Luke's eyes squeezed shut. He's not healing which is making me panic even more.

Looking over at Chance, I saw that he was alone. "Where did they go?"

Chance sighed and wiped blood of his forehead and kneeled down next to me on the floor. "I had two choices; Carter come after me and have his idiots kill you or let them go. I guess you can see what I chose."

The girls were still standing against the wall, clutching their animals in their hands. "Chance, we need to get Luke back. He's losing so much blood."

Chance picked up Luke and began carrying him. I grabbed the girl's hands and we rushed outside. I noticed Ryan was standing out there, his eyes looking alarmed. "What happened in there?"

"There's no time to explain. Mind link the doctor and tell him to be ready when we get there. Luke needs help. Also, send someone to come and clean up out there. I blocked off the bathrooms saying there was a water leak and maintenance was coming so we need someone to clean up the blood on the floor."

Ryan nodded and got to work. Chance put Luke in the back seat with me and Ryan took the girls to the car we came in earlier. Chance got in the driver's seat and began driving away and I kept pressure on Luke and tried to keep him awake.

Chance rushed to the pack and I prayed that we would make it back in time.


Later that night, the girls and I were curled up on the couch in the living room watching a Disney movie on the tv. Chance and I got Luke back in time earlier and was able to get him treated by the pack doctor. He went up into surgery and after a few hours, the doctors came down and told us he's doing good and survived. I was thankful that someone else didn't die because of me and I was so happy that I was able to see him again, awake and ready to get back out in the field.

The Alpha's Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن