Chapter 21 - Epilogue

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9 years later

“mommy!” Apollo yelled  running into the room, another little boy chasing after him.

Katelyn turned around and crouched down and gathered Apollo into her arms, “what’s wrong hunny?”

“Matty took my nintendo!”

“did not!”

“did to!”

Katelyn looked at her son Matthew (who was 8 years old) and beckoned him over She pulled him into her arms as well, which wasn’t easy because she was pregnant with twins. She looked down at him.

“Did you take Apollo’s Nintendo?”

He buried his face into her. “yes”

She lifted up his face so she could look at him. “Did you ask before you took it?”


“Hunny, if you would like to use something of your brothers you should ask. You wouldn’t like it if he took something that belonged to you would you?”

“no” He answered sadly.

“Why don’t you two play the nintendo together?”

“But mom it’s only for one person” Apollo said.

“but you can take turns, why don’t you teach Matty how to play some of your games? Or you can go play the xbox or go outside and play”

Apollo looked shy and scared at the idea of going outside an playing.

Matthew looked up “but mom most of the other kids don’t want to play with Apollo, and they make fun of me”

A low growl echoed through the room as Katelyn pulled her boys close. She looked up at Mark who had walked into the room. He walked over.

“come here boys” He said sitting down on a chair. They ran over to him and Katelyn slowly got to her feet. Being 8 months pregnant it was hard for her to get down close to her boys and then get back up but it didn’t stop her.

Mark picked up both boys and set one on each knee and wrapped his arms around both of them.

“I want you both to listen to me, You are brothers. Before anything else, your reputations, your friends, the pack. You are brothers first. Brothers protect each other. Apollo it’s your job to watch out for Matthew and Matthew it’s your job to watch out for Apollo and when the babies come it’s your job to watch out for your new sisters. It doesn’t matter what anyone says to you I don’t want either one of you to ever let anyone get between the two of you. Your mother and I love you both exactly the same ok?”

They both nodded and looked at each other. Something new seemed to sparkle in each boys eyes as they took their father’s words to heart.

“Do you wanna go play the xbox?” Apollo asked.

“Can you teach me to play minecraft?” Matty asked shyly.

Apollo nodded and took Matty’s hand and they went off to play.

Mark got up and wrapped his arms around Katelyn. “What should we do about this?”

“We have to have a talk with the parents, one of them had to have said something to their kid to have a rumor spread about Apollo. He is going to become midnight pack’s Alpha, we cant have them turning against him or judging him from where his DNA came from.” Katelyn said.

“Should we also have a talk with the kids?”

“indirectly yes, I think it would be a good idea to get their teachers to give a lesson on bullying”

Mark nodded.

“We’ll do what we can, I think it will mainly be up to Apollo. To learn what we teach him, to show everyone how great he is and to earn everyone’s respect and loyalty. We’ll quietly keep an eye on everything and with our family and children backing him we will show everyone that he is our son.” Katelyn said smiling.

“I’ll have a quiet talk with Carter and have him get Blaine to keep an eye on things as well.  Blaine is the same age as Apollo and they seem to be close.” Mark added. “Blaine is also a lot like his father, He is quiet and he knows how to keep a secret.”

Mark kissed her neck and together they went into the living room where the boys were playing.

Far away another werewolf sat in the forest, looking at the sky.

One day, he thought, one day I will come for you. I wont have you believing some other wolf is your father, you are mine and even if they raise you to be ‘good’ you have my DNA, and you will become my puppet.

One day.

~~~And its finished for now!!! I will for sure be doing a sequel however right now I'm taking an English course that's pretty intensive  so I will be waiting a few weeks before I post the first chapter. On the upside it will be my last class and I will have my degree!! So I'd like to thank you all once again for reading! vote/comment I hope you enjoyed my story and keep your eye out for the sequel! :) Lufs you all! and thank you all once again for reading! :) ~~~~~~

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