Chapter 5

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Mark’s POV

Mark sat in English waiting for class to start. He looked around and noticed that three seats were still empty. A death had occurred in the Midnight pack and the entire pack had taken the last couple of days off school to mourn.  Mark wasn’t sure who had died or how, he only knew his mate was alive because his wolf would have gone ballistic if she had passed. His wolf was still not talking to him however, which annoyed him to no end.

He sat up when the door opened and Carol and Katelyn walked into the classroom. He watched Katelyn curiously. Her eyes were hard, a deep anger lay underneath the calm that she was projecting. Her friend Carol stuck close by her side and they sat down. Mark’s wolf stirred anxiously.

*Something is wrong with mate* He said

*Oh, talking to me now are you? And I’m sure she’s upset by the death of that pack member they lost*

Aaron growled deep from within Mark. *we should be comforting her*

*No! we rejected her*

*No, you rejected her because you are a moron* Aaron said before retreating within Mark.

At that point the teacher walked in with a new student

“Class, Welcome Fynn. He will be joining us for a short time so make him feel at home.” Mark watched as Fynn walked down and sat beside Katelyn.  Aaron growled softly when Fynn leaned over and whispered something to Katelyn. She smiled softly. Anger slowly crept its way in. That was his mate, though he may not want her that didn’t mean anyone else could have her. His eyes flashed between his and his wolfs as he tried to concentrate on class.

By the end of the day Mark was ready to snap. Fynn, it seemed was in every one of Katelyn’s classes. He followed her around and seemed to be trying to move in on his territory.  When Mark saw his chance he took it. He grabbed Katelyn and dragged her into a classroom after school.

“This is getting to be a really bad habit of yours” Katelyn said pulling her arm out of his hand and walking away from him.

Mark stalked her backing her up to a wall. He put his hands up on the wall on either side of her head blocking her in. He leaned down.

“I may have rejected you but that doesn’t mean you are allowed to whore yourself around. You will stay away from that Fynn guy and keep your paws to yourself.”

Katelyn’s looked at him and raised her eyebrows “First off you rejected me, you have no right to tell me what to do. Second if I choose to find someone else to love me I will and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

Mark’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I order you to stay away from him” He said in his alpha tone.

Katelyn’s own eyes flashed to her wolfs she pushed him away from him.  “Let’s clear up two things, One I am not in your pack so your orders mean shit. Also I am an alpha’s daughter and so even if we were in the same pack your orders would have no effect on me. I don’t play games, either you accept me or you don’t, and if you don’t you lose all say in my life.” Katelyn growled and turned and walked out of the room.

Once again he was stunned. She was an alpha’s daughter? There was no way, but she had thrown off his order pretty easily. He shook his head. Why was he letting this bother him. He was an alpha’s son, He reject her, she’s a nobody. He walked out of the room and went home telling himself the whole way that he didn’t care. Maybe he would be able to trick himself into believing it.

 Katelyn’s POV

She couldn’t believe him. Trying to tell her what to do and besides Fynn was her guard not her boyfriend. She smiled to herself. Obviously Mark believed that Fynn was trying to hit on her and take her heart. She could use that. In the meantime she needed to focus on protecting the pack and making sure that she was there for them.

~~~Yay! new chapter! I know it's alittle short but now that I'm finished school for a bit I can concentrate on this story :) Comment, Vote, tell me what you think!~~~~~ 

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