Early Rise

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Rachel's P.O.V

Tay didn't say anything for about 10 minuets. After that she rolled over and picked up her phone out of her bag and started looking through her notes. She stopped on one titled 'Rachel' and handed her phone to me and told me to read it. I started reading it and it was a list of everything she loves about me, our memories, reasons why I make her happy and then I got to the next one. 'Why I fell in love with her' then the next one 'How she turns me on' (she had on there something I did that day so she obviously updates this often) then the next one 'How badly I want her' then 'What I want to do to/with her' then 'Why she's perfect'. Now none of them hurt like these last ones.
'Why we can't be together'
'Why I need her lips on mine'
'Why she's everything I need and more'
'Why it kills that she can't know'
And finally-
'Why being without her breaks my heart'

I burst into sobs and threw myself on her. She just patted my back and rubbed my head. I wiped my eyes and got out of bed to go over to my draws. I got my box of blades, my screwdriver for the sharpeners and my baggy top I have that she loves and walked back over to her but instead I stood in front of her (I think we had both forgotten we were still naked) and put this on her lap-she was really confused and didn't understand. I sat down with my back to her and said "I'm in love with you. And I can't help that. And I don't want to. You are all I want. Without you I have nothing. I've given you this so you realize how much I love you. I have given you every sharp thing and blade I have so I can't cut anymore I can't do that to you. I have given you my favorite baggy top because I know it's your favorite too and you always say you want it so it's yours. I will do anything to prove to you how much I love you and I need you. I'm nothing when you're not around."

Taylor moved the stuff to the floor then put her hands slowly and carefully on my waist. She softly pulled me back until my head was on her chest and she looked me in the eyes for a while. The silence scared me and tears rolled down my face. Tay wiped my eyes and whispered softly "I'm never going to leave you. I've been waiting for this forever. I know you love me you don't have to give this to me. I'm sorry for being quiet I just can't believe I've finally got you." I just rolled over onto my front and buried my face in her neck whilst I cried. We laid there for what must've been hours just in each others arms with a blanket wrapped around us because we didn't want to put our clothes back on.

We heard cars go past so we looked to the window and realized it was light out. It was 7:30 am. And we had no sleep. Yet we didn't care. We just cuddled and kissed with the duvet and blanket over us until about 9am. At this point we decided we should go for a walk in the woods so we got dressed but loosely so we could strip each other easily and started walking. We held hands the whole time apart from when people we knew walked past because we didn't want to have to explain it all. We decide to quickly go to the shop and get some sandwiches so we wouldn't have to make anything. We made our way back to my house and Tay told her mum that she was going to sleep round again because it was so fun-which it was-last night.

When we got home I thought it would be a great idea to put on some music. I put on my speakers and started playing some songs. We played our favorite songs like Numb, Radioactive and Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds, then Don't you forget about me by Simple Minds. We just danced round the kitchen.

We put on Lana Del Rey on shuffle because you can't go wrong with Lana. Ride came on and Ride is our favorite. we just looked at each other n burst into song. One of the lines was "You can be my full time baby, Hot or Cold" at that exact moment we looked at each other and started walking towards each other and threw our arms around each other. We just danced slowly together and our eyes didn't meet until the last chorus we looked into each other's eyes and we said at the same time "I love you" Both our cheeks went bright red and we put our lips together until the song ended. Once it was over she pulled away and threw me on the sofa then lay on top of me. She put on hand on my butt and the other on my waist whilst I put my hands on her back under her top. We made out passionately and for a long time but we eventually got tired and she just lay her head on my chest and we took time to catch our breath back.

I looked down to find a sleeping Taylor on my chest with her arms tight around me. I slowly got my phone (trying not to wake her) to check the time. It was 12pm so we had been here for around 2 hours. We needed to do more with ourselves instead of lazing about so I let her sleep for another half hour and then carefully woke her up.

She didn't want to get up n she refused to move so I joked "C'mon do I have to carry you?" She smirked and opened her arms. I sighed and dug my arms under her and carried her up the stairs and into my room. Just as I was about to put her down she put one hand on my cheek and whispered "My hero." Before I could say anything she had started kissing me and had her free hand up my top. I was surprised I could hold her like this for so long. After about 10 minuets we were still going and I was still holding her but I couldn't hold it in anymore and my toes started curling and my arms started stretching so I placed her on the bed and rolled onto the bed our lips still together. I love her more than anything in this world. You know what I can stay in bed all day as long as I'm with her I don't care about anything else in this work as long as she's in my arms.
I could stay like this forever.

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