Chapter One: Party Plans

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Alexa's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing by my nightstand, and I'll be honest, it scared the living daylights out of me too. I grabbed it and looked at the clock. 5:56.. really? I got out of my covers and headed over to my closet looking for something to wear to school today. I ended up choosing a pair of black leggings, my rolling stone tee I got from my friend Evan, my brown combat boots.

I quickly got dressed and went to do my hair, I didn't feel like accepting my naturally curly hair, so I went ahead and straightened it. Cringing as I apologized to my poor split ends. Finishing off my look, I quickly did my make-up, making my blue eyes look more awake than usual. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen if I didn't make my adoptive dad's breakfast I'll never hear the end of it, that and he won't let me go to the party with Kalia and Evan tonight.

I quickly made his breakfast and I grabbed a bagel and put it into my mouth, grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulders. Now I just need to wake Kalia up, imagining my death as I am aware of how much of a morning person she is. But someone's got to do it! I left the house and rode my bike over to Kalia's house when I walked up to the door and checked under the matt for the extra house key Kalia showed me. And to my surprise, it wasn't there anymore. Kalia must be getting tired of me waking her up so early, I thought. I went behind the house and grabbed her ladder since she doesn't live in a mobile home like me, I have to climb up to her room. I set it next to her window and started up the ladder, but before I could open it, Kalia did and pulled me inside which scared me causing the ladder shake.

"You idiot! I moved the key away for a reason!" She quietly whispered, trying not to wake her older sister and parents up. Kalia is adopted just like me, we've never met our real parents nor have we thought of even meeting them. When we talked to our foster parents about why they gave us up, they said they were young and they weren't ready for a child. But Kalia's parents, they didn't care for her at all. Her parents gave her up because they didn't love her or even try to take care of her. Mine were the young and wasn't ready for a child kind of parents.

"I'm sorry, but we still need to get Evan up, and it takes an hour to get him up and then it would be time to get to school by then." I smiled.

"Jerk!" She whispered yelled, throwing a pillow at me. We both laughed quietly before hearing a knock on the door.

"Kalia! You and Alexa better quiet down before mom takes away your phone privileges." Josie yelled as quiet as possible.

"Yeah, whatever." I and Kalia said at the same time. Kalia took her clothes into the bathroom and got dressed when she came out she was wearing white skinny jeans, a black tee converses and her hair was up in a messy bun. I've got to say, the outfits she picked looked absolutely amazing on her. She grabbed her backpack and walked over to the window.

"Well don't just sit there, let's go get Evan up!" Kalia shouted loudly, most likely waking everyone in the house up. "Plus, I just yelled, so let's go before my mom grabs my phone! Go, go!!!" I laughed as we both climbed out the window, and jumped landing into the bushes.

"Well, that was both fun and dangerous." I smiled at her as we both ran to Evan's house.


We got to Evan's house and climbed into his window, just like I did at Kalia's house. Once we dropped on his bedroom floor, a thump was heard, waking Evan up so quickly.

"What the Hell?!" He shouted.

"And here I thought it wouldn't hurt so bad to throw ourselves in." I laughed while rubbing the back of my neck.

"What are you two doing here?!" He yelled as he got out of bed.

"Ah! The eyes!" I screamed, covering my eyes with my hands.

"Evan, there's a reason they invented pajama shorts and or pants. Learn to use them and not your undies!" Kalia shouted.

He glanced down at his boxers before blurting out. "Sorry!" A minute passed before he spoke again. "Okay, you guys can remove the shield from your eyes." Evan was dressed in a white tee, worn out jeans, sneakers and his hair flopped to the side.


We ended up getting to school ten minutes earlier than we usually do. All thanks for Evan being scared awake. I began looking through my green canvas bag, digging around to make sure all my books were there. Otherwise, I would have to run all the way to my locker just to get them. Lord know High School teachers aren't so happy when you forget something.

"I'm so excited for Quinn's party tonight! I can't wait! I got us both dresses since he told us to dress nice and pretty." I looked at her with a glare.

"A dress?" I growled between my teeth. The thought of me in a dress made me cringe.

"Yea, the football team won yesterday and they're celebrating it at the party. And before you go 'I'm not going, now' on me, you can wear your boots with it, I made sure to ask the saleswoman if it would go with any kind of shoes, and she did in fact, mention how amazing it is with boots.." Kalia rambled.

"I can't believe you two are actually going to this stupid party," Evan said leaning against his locker. "I mean, Quinn is just so.."

"Weird?" I asked.

"Different?" Kalia spoke.




"A Jerk?" Kalia and I said together, we both looked at each other and gave a high five.

"You girls are creeps." He spoke up, laughing and shaking his head at us.

"Thank you and what's the problem with that?" Kalia said.

"I agree with Kal on this one," I replied.

"Well, I'm not going." He spoke, slamming our lockers shut before Savannah and Lily came over. "And I suggest you both don't either.. That guy is.. really not good news. I have a feeling-"

"Ooh! You have a feeling, so scary!" Kalia joked.

"Look, I'm serious Kal. This doesn't feel right! This is me being your B-" He stopped himself. I looked at him with wide eyes, did he almost just say what I think he was about to say? Boyfriend? or Brother? I thought to myself. Jeez, Evan! If you like her, just say it already! Don't make me bitch slap you! Cause I will damn it!"This is me, your friend, trying to protect you. I really don't think you guys should go tonight." He finished

"Well if Mr. Sherlock here is worried for us, then why don't you just come with us?" I eyed him closely.

"Fine." He said between gritted teeth. Kalia perked up when he agreed. It wasn't everyday Evan agreed to do something that involved Quinn being around.

"Hey, Kalia, Alexa-" I turned and saw Quinn and a few of his football buddies standing right there. Quinn was a bit too close, however. "Evan," Quinn said his name and smirked. Evan pulled me back and stood in front of me. It was funny because it was like having a big brother. Evan was taller than Quinn, only by three inches.

"What do you want?" Evan snapped at Quinn.

"You coming to the party tonight?" Quinn asked looking around Evan. "Kalia?"

Kal only nodded her head, she seemed scared of him as much as I did. Something was off about him today, very off. "Alexa?" He asked me.

"Yeah, whatever," I answered looking away. Quinn smirked at me and Kalia, she looked as if she was about to throw up, or she was just as uncomfortable as me.

"What about you? Kalia's future boyfriend?" Quinn teased. Kalia looked a little happy at the sound of that, but a little shocked at the same time. Wait, did I miss something?

"That's right, isn't it? You like your best friend, Kalia. I mean, isn't it pretty obvious?"

"Quinn, that's enough." I saw Evan's hand clutch into a fist. Maybe it was time I stepped in.

"Whatever.. See you tonight." He winked as he and his buddies walked away.

"Evan.." Kalia finally spoke, but Evan didn't respond. "Evan, is that true?" She asked. "Evan please talk to me." She put her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off. He walked away and headed to wherever his feet took him.

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