Chapter Ten: The Choice

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Alex's P.O.V.

"My name is Alexander Grey Fairchild. Father of Hannah Marie Fairchild Morlay." The man introduced himself to me after the court session. I was sitting down on the bed in the infirmary where I had been resting.

"You are my grandchild. My second." He smiled at me.

"Father." Hannah entered the room. "Why are you here?" She growled.

"That my dear Hannah, I cannot tell you yet. The whole family isn't here yet." He smiled.

"You didn't." Hannah slammed her palm against her head.

"Yes, I found Laylen. Your mother Alana is bringing him and Marice, your sister here. Including Johnathon. We found him, all alone. His guardians were recently killed by a Hybrid." My grandfather told her.

"Johnathon is coming?" I asked standing up.

"Yes. In fact, they just arrived." He turned toward the door. Just then, a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked out, well, more like burst in. He walked over to Hannah and hugged her.

"Hello, sister." I sat back down feeling uncomfortable. I mean my Uncle is a vampire for crying out loud! His eyes landed on me for a split second.

"Alexandria. It's been so long." He smiled walking up to me. "You look just like your mother, Hannah.." He laughed and rubbed my head like a kid. I smiled at him and fixed my hair.

"Oh. My. God! Hannah Marie!" A woman wearing a black skin tight dress walked in, similar to what Hannah was wearing. I'm assuming this was Marice, her eyes fell on me and she gasped.

"Is this my Niece? She's so. Beautiful!" Marice said and hugged me. She had red hair and brown eyes, much different than the others. Then a women came in who looked old. That's probably my Grandmother. She walked in beside a boy with basically blonde hair that was almost white. But his.. eyes were... a reddish brown that reminded me of. Rido. Johnathon. I thought to myself.

"Is that-?" Hannah asked her mother.

"Yes, Johnathon. This is your mother Hannah." Said, my Grandmother. He looked at her with such hateful eyes the way I did when I first met her. Hannah cursed herself and grabbed her purse and walked out of the room. I stayed quiet. Then my Grandmother's eyes fell on me.

"Oh! Alexandria! Oh my goodness! Look at you! You're such a beautiful young lady!" She took a deep breath.

"Yes, she is a young lady." Marice laughed. But then Laylen gave her a slap upside the head.

"Don't make me use my witchy ju-ju on you!" She shouted at him. I looked past them and saw Johnathon standing there alone.

"Uh- is that my-my brother?" I asked, stuttering as I stared at my brother.

"Yes. Oh! We'll leave you two to get to know each other better!" My grandmother practically yelled, dragging everybody out of the infirmary. Yup, my grandmothers a wacko.

"So, you're my older brother, Johnathon-"

"Sebastian." He corrected me. "I hate Johnathon. Everybody looks at me like a monster when they hear the name, Johnathon. Sebastian is my name my so-called parents called me." He told me.

"Oh, I'm Alexandria. But it's a little girly name so I changed it to Alexa." I told him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I see your not so happy about learning that Rido Lee is our father. I also see you don't like Hannah our mother." He said.

"Yeah, well. She was never around for me. Only Carol my Foster mother was. But she passed away from cancer." I told him.

"Sorry," he spoke. I noticed he was wearing a necklace that had a ring on it that had an M. It probably stood for Morlay.

Right before I could say another word someone knocked on the door and in came Gabriel.
"Oops, sorry. Brother sister moment." He said backing out.

"No, it's okay. I was just going to bed anyways. I'm tired." he said and then left. I looked up at Gabriel and saw him leaning against the door.

"Feel better?" He asked me. I only nodded my head, then the memory of the night I got stabbed in the stomach replayed. When he... kissed me. I held my head and shook it. Not wanting any part of all of this anymore. This was all too much to take in.

"No! I don't! Honestly, I miss my old life! I miss the days me, Kalia and Evan were or thought we were human! I wish I never met any of you because then I wouldn't feel this way! I will rather be the sad girl who thought her parents gave her up because they didn't love me! And when she came home on her 12th birthday she found out her Foster mother just passed away! I wish I never met you! Or Nate! I wished I stayed dead when I first died instead of seeing you two break your brotherly bond over me! Enough about me! Just kill me and get it over with! I volunteered myself for a reason. I want to die, and if it means killing that monster who I'm supposed to call father, and die with him, so be it!" I exploded in his face, I saw a flash of hurt in his soul and he pulled me into a hug.

"Don't you ever talk like that again, Alexa." He said a little angry and a little worried at the same time. "I can't lose you again.."

"No, just stop. You're making this harder for me! Either way, I'm going to die! You're always losing me!" I told him.

"Do you?" He asked me.

"Do I what?" I snapped.

"Do you want to live forever?" He asked me. "Kalia already made the choice. She said she wants to live forever with Trevor. He agreed with her. Once she's 18 just like him in the future, she'll be a Half Witch, Half Vampire. She'll still be a Sirina too." He told me, I took a deep breath and didn't say anything. He wasn't finished.

"So, do you want to live Forever with me and your friend? This is your choice. I want you to make it. Not me or anyone else, I won't turn you as Callista did to me and Nate, turning us without asking or giving us a choice." He said. He put his hand against my cheek, it was warm just like a regular human. His green-blue eyes pierced through mine. I couldn't breathe.

I can't do this.

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