Intro: What is A Therian?

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Hi! I'm Scorch! I'm a young adult (well, my wolf is a young adult) female red wolf therian! (My human name and other info will, for now, remain unknown) This section is mainly for people who believe they might be a therian, for people who need clarification, unsure people, and for parents/guardians who are having trouble understanding their kids. (More on that subject later)

To start off, a therian is someone who is born in a human body but believes (well, actually, know) they have the spirit of an animal inside of them that they connect with in the form of shifting and/or meditation. (More on those later)

They may believe different ways that they received their therianthropy. (And most of them are usually true)The most commonly believed is that the spirit of a dead animal was reincarnated into them. Also, maybe that they were born with an animal spirit rather than a human one. Or even (this is what I believe, with a combination of the previous one) that it was a gift from their higher religious power. (Such as a blessing from God)

There are also people who see it as logical, like an identity crisis, schizophrenia, or just the complexity of the human brain. They may have logical views, but are therians still.

A therian will have an inner feeling towards this/these animal(s). This is something that must be understood, for it can pop up randomly and involuntarily. This are called shifts.

A shift (bolded because it's one of our vocabulary words here!) is when the human mindset dwindles and the animal mindset grows. this is mainly caused by strong emotion, such as a cat therian hissing when angry or a dog therian whimpering when afraid. They will make noises and do things that their animal (or their theriotype) does.

Extra note for confused parents:
These must be understood if you'll ever get your kids! You need to realize that they are doing something completely natural. It's normal for your bull therian to scrape their foot on the ground when mad. It's normal for your bat therian to stay up at night. It's NORMAl!!!!!

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