Parenting a Therian: Dos and Don'ts

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Hey! Scorch is here! Now, all therian parents want what they think is best for their pup, kit, cub, chick, foal, or whatever. However, there are many things that therian parents should and shouldn't do. There will also be some "neutral" that depend on the therian. I advise all therians to show this to their parents after explaining therianthropy.

-Tell them therians don't exist. This is one of the worst a therian parent could do. If someone told you that something you believed (any religious form, for example) wasn't real, you would want to rebel and prove them wrong.

-Punish them. How would you feel if someone punished you because of who you are? You would get angry and moody. Never punish a child for being themselves. (unless "being them self" means doing illegal crap!)

-Don't let them express them self. This is tied with the first one for worst thing to do. If they can't wear it to school, let them wear what they use as expression around the house and in public. Don't use the "people are gonna think my child is a freak" excuse. Let them laugh. It won't affect your life, what they think.

-Not let them meet other therians. I get the whole "internet safely" crap, but go with them to meet up with another therian. Plus, who doesn't want there kid socializing!

-Say it doesn't follow your religion. There is nothing in therianthropy about worship or prayer of any kind. If you don't really like the meditations, then get over it. It's doing no harm! They're simply connecting with their inner self.

-Make a joke out of it. Do not say something like: "That's a good one!", *hysterical laughter* , "Ok, them I'm a giraffe called Pete." That will irritate and annoy them greatly, and they will feel less of a bond between you.

-Take away access to social media. Please don't take away their phone or computer. If they got a bad grade or something, find another way to punish them. Social media might be the only ace they can rant about their therian problems without blowing up and breaking a chair *cough* riptorn711 *cough*. Plus, it gives them help from the therian community when dealing with problems.

-Take them to nature related places. This could let them feel connected and happy. It may also help control unwanted shifting, as the therian is letting out their animal side, letting it show.

-Support them. If you tell them that it's ok to be them, it could help you better understand it (and the therian). You could also build a stronger bond between you with this understanding.

-Get them things to express themself. For their birthday, buy your arctic fox an arctic fox tail (faux fur or yarn, of course). Get your tiger some ears. Give your crab a crab shell necklace. Let them express who they are.

-Don't disturb them. Let them be alone in their room, undisturbed. They could be meditating or in the middle of a strong shift.

-Buy them sleeping pills. Now, some nocturnal theriotypes have trouble sleeping and are being effected by it. Some might be insulted, but bring it up and ask what they think.

-Cut their nails. Sone species have an instinct to lash out when they feel surprised or threatened. Some therians may feel unsafe without their claws, but others might see it as a hazard to others. Consult with your child before making a decision.

-Remind them to control their shifting. Some may see it as useful, but others may get annoyed when you tell them to keep in control.

That's all I've got here! Remember parents, let them be who they are!

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