Questions that Some May Have

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Hey! It's the one and only Scorch! There are some things that people (mainly nonkin, or non therian/otherkin) may have questions on.

-Can therians be extinct animals as well? Yes, they can. A therian can have the spirit of any creature that lives or has lived.

-Why are there so few extinct animal therians? I think it's because we don't know much about their personalities, colorations, and lives. Someone who has a raptor theriotype may confuse it for a wild canine because of the whole pack thing. Or another example: a saber tooth therian who thinks their some sort of modern day big cat. We just don't know enough about them, and, because of that, a therian won't know enough about the animal to take it under consideration as a theriotype.

-Can you have a theriotype of a different gender? Yes, you can. It's completely possible for a girl to have a male lion theriotype.

-Has anyone ever became transgender or gender-neutral because of a different gender theriotype? I've never seen it, and I don't believe it would happen. No reason other than gut feeling.

-I'm interested in therianthropy. How do I become one? Sorry to say, but you can't. It's something your born with.

-If two therians have a baby, will the baby be therian? Most likely, no, because there is no therian gene. It's more a spiritual thing, not genetic. The only possible way the baby could be a therian is coincidence, the parents forcing it on the baby, or the baby being around therians so much and feeling like a therian through peer pressure.

-Why are wolf therians so common? Well, there are multiple reasons for that. A good amount of them are actually fake, wanting to pretend to be a wolf when they aren't. The ones who believe in reincarnation will say that there are so many because they are killed off at a high rate and the spirits are reborn. However, how do you explain that a majority of wolf therians are black wolves, have blue eyes, or impossible markings? Fake wolf therians.

-What is the difference with therians and furries? Well, the main difference is that theriananthropy is more a spiritual thing. A furry expresses them self as a "fursona", which is an anthropomorphic (basically a cartoony animal) animal based to fit their personality. They do this with artwork, music, writings, suits, ex. The furries choose the animal they wish to create, and give it coloring and patterns to match their personality. Therians seek into their inner self to find the soul of a real animal that they get their personality from. Furries are more of a fandom, while therianthropy is a community of people who have found their animalistic self.

- What is being a therian like? It's very interesting, but it can be very frustrating. It feels amazing to have found who you truly are and to feel your inner self come out. Its wonderful to be different than the rest, although "the rest" make it frustrating. It's very stressful when a nonkin calls you crazy, a furry, a were creature, or drops the "your a human" bomb. It can be hard having a human body and an animal soul, when you can't prick your ears to listen or climb trees with just your claws. It causes a lot of annoyance, but, overall, therianthropy is amazing and it feels wonderful to be yourself.

-Do people get depression because of having a worthless *shudder* human body? I've never heard of it being just from that, although it is possible. Mainly, depressed therians are bullied for "thinking their some stupid animal". It can be stressful, however, don't think of therianthropy as depressing.

That's it for now. Check back for updates in this section. I hope this helped!

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