-Blooming Iris Chapter 32-

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Iris' POV~

"Knock, knock," a familiar voice said, turning all three of our heads towards her. "The plan is going smoothly, Ri—" She froze, seeing me in the room. Her eyes widened looking like a deer caught in headlights. 

She fidgeted, looking from Mrs. Anderson to me to Shane. "Ah . . ." she began losing her composed, cool self. "I mean, the wedding is going smoothly." She smiled, biting her lip, her voice going up a few octave. If I didn't already knew she was a part of the plan, I would've given her one of my confused looks. 

"You don't have to act anymore sweetie," Shane spoke, sounding quite loving. "She knows."

Molly's head snapped up, as a piece of her bright red hair covered her right eye. "She knows?" 

He nodded, going over to her. "Yeah, she does. She knows she's really Richard's fiancée, and this was all a plan to get them together."

She looked at me, staring at me with a glint in her eye. Then she smiled. "So you finally said it, huh?" She giggled. "Well, it's about time girl!" she said happily, her whole facade changing suddenly. It was like looking at a whole different person. 

"To tell you the truth, it was really hard pretending to be someone you're not. And these clothes." She looked down at her red elegant blouse and pencil black skirt. "So uncomfortable!" she screamed, pulling out her blouse tucked inside her skirt.

I had no idea what  to say to her. She was so . . . different. 

She walked over to me, pulling Shane along. "I'm sorry for kissing Richard and for all of the mean things I'd said to you. I didn't mean any of it. Honest." If she had said that to me this morning I wouldn't have believe a word she'd said, but now, I could tell she was telling the truth.

When I didn't answer, she went on. "You see, I'm studying to be an actress, and this was a great opportunity for me to practice!" she said excitedly, her eyes glowing with a burning passion I'd never seen before. "So, I couldn't turn it down when Mrs. Anderson asked me to help her, and plus from what Shane had told me, I wanted to help you guys get together."

As I continued to look at her, not speaking a word, she asked, "You do believe me don't you?"

I laughed, surprised she was so kind. Who knew she would be standing here before me scared I didn't believe in her explanation.

"Molly," Shane said, squeezing her hand. "Remember that Iris doesn't talk to just anyone."

Her eyes sadden, as she squeezed back. "I know, but I was just hoping she would," she said, giving me a side way glance. "But, I understand Iris," she said fully looking at me now, "it's hard to trust me still, am I right?" Even though she said that, I could tell she was dejected by that fact.

I immediately shook my head at her, giving her a small smile. She was acting, it's not like she's really mean and trying to take Richard away from me. 

The corners of her lips curved up, as she shouted, "so you don't hate me!?" 

I giggled, shaking my head. Why would I hate her? There wasn't a reason to. I can see why Shane likes her now.

"Yay!" she cheered, taking my hands in hers, her eyes wide with happiness. "I'm so glad you don't. Even though it was just me acting, I still hated the fact that I was mean to you and to everyone around me." She looked down laughing, "especially to that poor florist."

"Agreed, you were even mean to your own boyfriend." Shane pouted, stomping his foot like a small child. 

"Awe," she cooed, pitching his cheeks. "My poor baby."

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