-Blooming Iris Chapter 16-

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my bestie since it's her birthday today!!! Happy Birthday Bestie!!!


Iris' POV~

Richard came back home before dinner just liked he promised. We ate, catching up with each other, and then headed upstairs for bed. Him: in his room, me: in my new room, that was only two doors down. I entered my room, going to the desk I had near my bed. Opening it, I took out a blank piece of paper and a pencil. After a few hours of thinking, I finally found the perfect gift for Richard. Picking up the pencil, I went to work.


"Beep beep beep!"

What the? Where is that stupid noise coming from?

"Beep beep beep!"

Be quiet! Let me sleep in peace!

"Beep bee-"

Oh yes! Thank you! The noise has stop.

"Iris, if you don't wake up now, Richard will be leaving without you," a pleasant voice said.

Pulling the white covers off my head, I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the new lightening in the room. After blinking my eyes a couple of times, I saw Sara standing near the edge of my bed, staring down at me. Confused, I stared at her with a blank face, trying to remember what she was saying just a few moments ago.

"Richard's surprise birthday party, remember?"

Richard's birthday... oh yeah! His birthday was today. Eyes going wide, I pushed the covers back fully, rushing towards my closet, getting my clothes on.

"Hurry before he leaves!" Sara shouted from my room. "Oh and don't forget to dress up a bit, since you'll be at the party too, and there's a dress code."

A dress code? What the heck do I wear then? I looked over at my closet, searching through the millions of clothes Richard got me. You see last night while I was drawing his gift, Richard came to my room moving my clothes from his closet over to my new closet. Thank god he didn't see what I was working on when he came in my room! I - of course - wanted all the clothes to be returned back, but he wouldn't listen to anything I said, and just continued putting clothes away.

"You should wear that dress over here," Sara said, coming into my closet, reaching out, grabbing a cute mini dress.

I stared at it, giving it a once over. It wasn't that bad, it's just that I haven't wore a dress in so long that I couldn't even remember the last time I wore a dress. I was more a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl than anything.

"Come on, just try it. I promise it will look good," she said, giving the dress to me.

Before I had any time to react, she was pushing me towards the bathroom, located down the hall. Once I was safely inside the bathroom, I took my clothes off, putting the purple mini dress on. Looking down it was a little bit too short for my liking, reaching an inch or so above my knees. I definitely need black leggings. Turning around, I turned the door knob, stepping outside. When Sara saw me, she was speechless, to say the least. She was just staring at me, with her eyes wide.

"Wow Iris, you should dress up more often! You look amazing!" she exclaimed, smiling brightly at me.

I don't look that different do I? I mean I'm just wearing a dress, it's not that big of a deal.

Shrugging my shoulders, I headed straight for my room, going to get some leggings. Once in my closet, I started looking for some leggings, and after a few minutes of searching around, I finally found some leggings located all the way in the back. Putting them on, I grabbed a random coat, putting it on. The coat covered the dress, so all you could see was the black leggings I had on and my black flats.

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