Chapter Thirteen.

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Asalam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi W Barakatu.

I'd like to begin of by sending condolences to all those people who lost family in the Paris Terrorist Attacks. One has no right to take another persons life no matter what.Every person is innocent no matter of which race,colour or religion.Those behind this attacks are no humans they are monsters.They not only kill innocents but make innocent Muslims suffer.They are the reason we Muslims suffer racist remarks from other people.In no way does any Muslim support their attacks and we will never support it.The word "Islam" means peace and these so called "man" do nothing that connects to that word.Once again I send condolences to all the family's who lost loved ones.


Zuhaib and Zuhaiba were sitting in the car on their way to the orphanage.Zuhaib had refused to let Zuhaiba go off on her own and Zuhaiba had rolled her eyes at him.Now they both were sitting in the car with the driver and two other cars full of guards in front and behind them.

Zuhaiba looked at him and noticed he was looking out of the window.She poked his side and he didn't give her attention,she poked him again and he still didn't give her any attention.She sighed and finally spoke.

"Zuhaib,can you please tell me why have we taken so many bodyguards with us to an orphanage?It's not like we going to a war zone."

"Just for security reasons."

She saw his lips pull into a tight line after he answered her.She grabbed his hand into one of her hands while with her other hand she made his face look at her and she tilted her head to him,she assessed his eyes and he looked away.Immediatly she knew something was wrong.Zuhaib knew he couldn't lie to her and he wanted her to let go off the topic but did she do that?No because until he didn't tell her what was wrong she wouldn't rest in peace.

"Zuhaib you do know that you can't hide anything from me,so don't even try to do that because I'll catch you out.So please tell me what's bothering you that you have to lie to me."

"Nothing,as I said it's security reasons."

Zuhaiba narrowed her eyes at him and pulled her hand away from his.He now looked her into her eyes.

"Fine if you say so but just for your kind information until you don't tell me the truth you going to sleep in the guest room."

Saying this she put both her hands in her lap and turned her face away from him and looked out the window.Zuhaib looked at his wife and frowned.For everyone he was only King but to this woman he was nothing but a slave.

He wanted to tell her but he couldn't disturb her sleep with horrible news.The night before he had received news that his cousin,Abu Kassim was making plans to overthrow him from his throne and his first target was his beloved wife.He didn't want to tell her but he couldn't bare to see her angry at him.

He reached for her hand but she pulled it out of his reach.This happen two more times and the third time he caught her hand in her own.She tried pulling it out of his grip and was unsuccessful,so she let it be.

When they reached the orphanage he let go off her hand and got out of the car going to her side to open it for her but she had already opened the door and was standing outside waiting for him.She closed the door shut with a bang and he went and stood next to her.

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