5 - Black Sheep

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Forcing laughter, faking smiles.

I laid in my bed, my mind wandering to how my life has changed so much in 48 hours when Hades came to my room. It had been a day since I had met Hermes and I was bored out of my mind.

"We are going to a party. Look nice." He huffed, obviously grouchy, before quickly disappearing. A party? Did this mean I would get to meet the other Gods? I quickly hoped up from the bed and ran into the bathroom to shower. I left my hair down but clipped it up into a half up and half down style, leaving the waves tumbling to one side. I slipped on my nicest dress, a cream colored one that hung loosely off one shoulder and looked like something a Goddess would wear. When Hades returned to my room he smirked at my appearance.

"You look better than half of the Goddesses." I blushed at his compliment, still so strange to me how a God as attractive As he was could find me attractive. He lifted his hand and snapped and suddenly we were outside a beautiful palace. The wind was strong, blowing my hair in every which way, so I turned around and gasped. Below us we could see all of Greece. We were on Olympus. The palace was built with marble and stone in the classic Grecian style of most important buildings.

"A quick warning-" Hades began. "I am the black sheep in my family. I do not care to attend most gatherings nor do I get along with most of them."

With that the palace doors opened and we stepped inside.

Disappointment. That was the only description I could give for how the night had turned. The gods all stared at me as if I was nothing but an ant that they would step on. I coward behind Hades as we walked through the room of insanely beautiful men and women who gave me nothing but looks of distain. Hades hadn't been exaggerating when he said he was the black sheep.

I suddenly felt him grab my hand and I looked down to see Hades fingers intertwined with mine. He approached a throne where everyone bowed to the man sitting on it except for Hades, two other men who looked as if they could be related to Hades and two women. I could help but bow too as if not to be rude, only to have Hades pull me back up. "You bow to no one but me."

"Who is this?" The man on the throne spoke, his powerful voice booming throughout the room. He had caramel hair, with a strong beard. His blue eyes were much brighter in comparison to the dark coals of Hades eyes and this man looked to be mid thirties in age. "Brother, you finally come to a gathering and you bring a human?"

I flinched at the way he said human, my eyes darting over towards Hades who shown no intimidation and held his head high as if to challenge him. "Zeus, I have come because I have an announcement."

The smirk on Hades face told it all. Everyone went silent as they waited for him to speak once more. I was more amazed by the fact that the actual Zeus was right in front of me. He was beautiful, and muscularity built- but he did not compare to Hades dark looks.

"I am here to announce that I have found a wife." Hades casually stated. The mans eyes widened, as he put two and two together, looking back and fourth between Hades and I. I suddenly realized what Hades was doing... And I hadn't even agreed to it!

"You are being ridiculous, my brother." Zeus have me a disgusted face. "Do you really want to disgrace yourself by giving such a weak being power over you?"

"No one has power over me." Hades growled out. I felt awkward standing besides him and looked about at the crowd. Everyone remained docile but there was one man who had a huge smirk on his face. He had inky black hair like Hades and seafoam green eyes that immediately told me who he was. Poseidon. He winked at me when he saw me looking at him and I immediately blushed and turned back to Hades and Zeus.

❁ ❁ ❁

The party continued on awkwardly. Well at least for me. I stood besides Hades as he laughed with Poseidon and another God, Apollo. Apollo was Hades nephew and Poseidon was his brother. Apollo was interesting, he was the god of the sun and also the son of Zeus but he absolutely despised his father. Turns out the Gods had as much drama as an episode of Maury. Poseidon was charming, he flirted with me just to annoy Hades but he was a complete gentleman compared to his brother.

Persephone, Hades niece who Zeus had wanted him to marry was the worst of them all. The Goddess absolutely despised me for 'taking her love away'. Hades had stepped away with Apollo to discuss whatever, when she approached me from where I stood with Poseidon.

"Filthy human." She spoke, a sneer on her face. Persephone was beautiful. She had long dark Raven hair that fell to her waist and she had a crown upon her head made from gold dipped olive branches. The Goddess wore dark gowns compared to everyone else, and eyeliner circled her beautiful silver eyes. "I should just kill you, and get you out of the way. I should be queen of the underworld. "

"But you aren't, and shall never be. Leave the girl alone." Poseidon rolled his eyes at her as he defended me.

"Maybe she should leave. She's not a God." Persephone had a point. I wasn't a God, and I didn't believe that I belonged to be up there with them. I was so disappointed that meeting the Gods hadn't gone very well. I turned, filtering out the sound of her annoying voice as I left the room, heading out onto the cold balcony.

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