8 - Goddesses Like To Drug People

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I feel so bad because I've been neglecting my other books because all I care about right now is HSMP! I guess I can update IGHLM soon....

Also, please don't read this book if you're not comfortable with sexual situations. This book is FULL of smut and sexual things and that is how I intended it. Thanks! - Tots

I was alone. I was always alone. I had gotten so bored that when I finally left the safety of the bed I decided to go hang out with Hades. I opened the door, revealing the main room. It was as dark as I remembered it, with stone floors and cave like walls. An opening I hadn't noticed before led out into a balcony that overlooked the entire underworld. The first thing I noticed was the river of souls. A large, iridescent river flowed throughout the tiny town below. I could barely make out the body shapes that all went into one direction, all of them with no soul. The town held maybe seven or eight actual buildings, and was the one thing I couldn't understand. Why were there little houses in the underworld? What lived there? There was also no sun. It was dark, and the temperature remained below 70 degrees, making me glad I had worn my sweater.

"Interesting isn't it?" A beautiful, feminine voice spoke from behind me. I turned out quickly, pressing my hand over my heart from the scare. She was gorgeous, with long blonde hair that looked as if the sun light had been imbedded into it. She was tan compared to my pale complexion and tall with long legs that I could see through the slit in her deep Crimson dress. The dress was low cut, revealing her ample cleavage. She chuckled at my jumping in response to her as she took a moment to take in my appearance. "Sorry about that, darling."

Her presence put me into a strange mood. I wanted to watch romantic comedies and gush over boys with her, but at the same time she was so gorgeous I felt a tinge of jealousy and wanted to make her leave before Hades saw her. Who was she? I decided to introduce myself to the beautiful woman. "I'm Haven."

"Aphrodite. You may have heard of me." She winked, her insanely long eyelashes brushing her cheek. The Goddess of love and sexuality flipped her hair over her shoulder as she looked around. "Where is Hades?"

"I haven't seen him since earlier this morning. I wouldn't know either way." I responded curtly, feeling myself become upset that she was asking for his whereabouts. I didn't know why I felt that way, but I assumed it had something to do with the fact that she was the goddess of love.

"Oh, boo." She sighed dramatically before smirking suspiciously. "I guess I could give you your wedding present."

"We are no-" before I could finish she had pulled out a vial of pink powder and blew it into my face. What the hell? "W-what was that?!"

"Let's just say that I'm just speeding things along." The busty blonde smiled deviously. "Bye!"

With the snap of her fingers she disappeared from the main room and out of the underworld. I was beginning to hate when the Gods did that. Aphrodite's visit was strange, and as much as I had wanted to meet someone new and have someone to hang out with I had hoped I wouldn't have to encounter her again, or at least while I was alone. I felt a strange tingling sensation all over me as I tried to comprehend what she had done to me. Was I drugged?

I stumbled into the living quarters and towards my bedroom but it just didn't feel right, so I soon found myself in Hades' bed, wrapping his comforter around me and inhaling his scent as if I was addicted. I don't know how it happened but after awhile the bed wasn't enough and I found myself wearing nothing but one of his tshirts that fit like a dress and a pair of my panties. If he had come in at that moment I would have been embarrassed but after awhile my body yearned to be near him and I felt physical pain just from being away from him.

Hours must have passed because I woke up to the sound of the door opening, revealing an obviously grumpy God of the Underworld. He had a scowl on his face as he kicked off his boots in the dark, and made his way into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on. I guess he hadn't realized I had been in the room and if I had been in a sane state of mind I would have left while he was in the bathroom. I sighed dreamily into the bed, happily waiting for him to come out.

After ten minutes (wow he showered fast) Hades finally emerged from the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I practically drooled as I watched him from where I hid under the blanket, enjoying the way the water dripped from his rippling muscles.

"You can at least say hi." He spoke with his back turned to me while digging through his closet. I should have known he would know I was there.

"Hi." It came out as more of a squeak as I hid under the blanket, shoving my face into a pillow from embarrassment. After a moment the blanket was pulled back and a boxer brief clad Hades slipped into the bed besides me.

"I see you're in my bed. Wearing my clothing." His face remained impassive, but his eyes darkened as he took in my appearance. The shirt slipped off my shoulder, revealing the bare skin while my hair was down and in wild waves. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you're trying to seduce me."

"I just..." I actually didn't know what I was doing. "I prefer your bed."

"It seems so." Hades face was directly in front of mine as he interrogated me. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my thigh, pulling me roughly against him. Tingles fluttered about my stomach as I felt myself becoming aroused just from his simple touch. Whatever Aphrodite had given me, it had made me want Hades in such a way that it scared me. It took every single inch of my will power to not break the distance and kiss the God in front of me. Hades rolled himself on top of me, with one leg wrapped over his waist as he pressed against me, his dark eyes staring into my green. "Tell me, kitten, what is the real reason you're here? And be honest this time because I am in no mood to deal with a liar."

He lowered his voice at the last part, the anger rolling off of him to let me know something had really pissed him off while he had been gone. My words caught in my throat so I did the one thing I never thought I would do.

I kissed the God of the Underworld.

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