22 - Kidnapping for Idiots

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Don't you guys worry! MOM IS HERE WITH A NEW UPDATE.

I got accused of being a satanist the other day bc I was wearing my MCR shirt with a pencil skirt at work 😂 just let an emo bitch do her thing pls.

If you're a part of my snapchat fam then you probably know that I got super wasted last night and am now hiding in bed with my black out curtains drawn bc I'm 75% sure i have some kind of poisoning. I'm a mess... Follow me on snapchat @ melissabrownn

"Hermes? Why am I tied up? Why can't I break free?" I began to ask frantically. Hermes simply glared at me, his usual friendly personality gone. He didn't say a word as he looked over his shoulder out the door, at someone.

And that someone just happened to be one of the Goddesses who despised me. Demeter entered the shack, a look of disgust directed towards me. Following immediately behind her was none other than Persephone.

"Shut up." Demeter hissed, glaring down at me. Goddesses were taller than human women, so she towered over me easily. I opened my mouth to talk back but before I could even get a word out she began to talk. "Hades has taken over Olympus, and my brothers have all sided with him. He has casted my beautiful daughter and I out."

She fanned herself dramatically as if she would faint at any moment from everything that was happening. I rolled my eyes. I was the victim.

"We just need to figure out how to get rid of you." Persephone snarled. "My future husband turned you into a Goddess, so you're immortal but we can always turn you back into a human and then kill you?"

I tuned Persephone out as she barked away like a little chihuahua. I wanted to gag at the part where she referred to Hades as her future husband. I would have assumed that she would have been over it by now? I looked back up at Hermes, who was avoiding eye contact with me. He had been so nice, it was a shame. In all honestly, it probably would take Hades awhile to come and find me since he only cared to check up on me when it was convenient for him.

"We will just have to leave her here to drain. The only reason she has immortality is because he couldn't keep it in his pants." Demeter spoke above her yapping daughter. "Once its out of her system, we can kill her off, and then my darling Persephone, you will be queen of the underworld."

The God and goddesses whispered amongst themselves before turning to leave the little shack I had been in. Once they had left the room I finally allowed myself to relax as much as I could in captivity.

"I thought they would never leave." A deep, familiar voice spoke from besides me. My eyes widened to see none other than The God of the Underworld. He winked at me. "You would think they would check the shadows."

He began to easily remove the ropes that had tied me down. "These ropes were enchanted."

"Wow, you actually cared enough to come save me." I responded only to be met back with a light slap on my backside when he pulled me from the chair.

"Quit the sass. Be thankful." Hades growled as he transported us back into the palace. I was really amazed by how dumb the trio had been if it was that easy for me to escape...

"It's not my fault you only think about me when convenient." I spoke back as I began to make my way towards my room. Hades grabbed my arm, pulling me back into him. He dipped his head down to where he could easily access my neck, wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"Do you doubt my love for you?" He murmured against my throat. As much as I wanted to say yes, and run away from him, I couldn't find the words to do it so I leaned back into his touch. I melted against the god, completely giving in to him. When I didn't respond to his question he nipped at my neck. "They used enchanted rope, so they must be working with someone else who can work with enchantments."

"I have a fan club." I joked, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Can I be the president?"

"Shouldn't you be off doing Godly things?" I asked, twisting around in his arms so that I could face him now. He furrowed his brows at me.

"Do you not want my company? My queen is taken from me and I can't spend the day with her?" For someone who had such an unreadable face it seemed that I had upset Hades.

"You're just normally out doing stuff... You never have time for me."

"So you complain about me never having time for you, but you tell me to go away? I will never understand woman." He reached up, grabbing the sides of my face and pulling me into a soft kiss. "We are going on a trip. Go pack."

"Wait, what?"

"Just the two of us. Hurry up."

Fun dun dun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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