Chapter 2

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Come on slowpoke! Let's go outside! I barked at Luna. Ok! She answered. We charged at the flap and rolled in the grass in the small outside pen. I noticed a small hole in the fence I'm gonna go explore! I walked up to the hole and wiggled under it. It tugged and pinched at my skin but I made it out! Come on Luna! I danced in a circle. No! The man is coming with food! She yipped as she went back in the flap. A woman came from around the building " Lola!" She yelled "what are you doing!" Playing!  I yipped and ran away from her. She ran after me what fun! I can into a patch of grass and into a bush. I looked behind me. I didn't see the shelter or the woman.

The first night alone was cold. In the morning I walked out of a gully I had slept in. When I got out of it I saw loads of cars and buildings. I smelt the most wonderful smell my smeller ever smelled. It was a bright yellow building with some red on it. There was a big M on top of it. I walked up to the widow and put my paws on it. I only saw people. My sniffer led me to a big green bin. I walked up to it. Some food was around it! I ate it hungrily. It didn't taste too good but it was better than brown pebbles! I went behind the yellow building to a road. It was loud! I ran across it really super fast! When I got to the other side I heard a thud. I yipped and jumped behind me there was a squirrel flopping everywhere! A car must have got it. I walked up to it and jumped around it. I barked and yipped until it stopped flopping. I sunk my teeth into it and carried it around. I let it drop as a warm tasty liquid dropped into my mouth. It was coming from the squirrel? I pick it up again and shook it. This was greater than all the toys in the shelter! I played with it for a while until the fur was all over the place. I put it down. I ran along the road in search of more squirrels. A car pulled to the side of the road and a woman stepped out. She held out a hand "Come here puppy! Come here pretty girl!" I stared at her dumbfounded. She made a step to me and I bounced back. "Come here pup!" She cooed again. I liked this woman. She smelled like flowers and food. I walked up to her and licked her fingers. She picked me up (and to my disgust and against my protests) put me in the car. She got in and started turning a big wheel. To my amazement the car was moving! I tapped and stuck my nose out the window. Smells and smells flew into my nose! Oh it was great! Before I knew it we turned into a house. The car stopped and I slid off the seat. The woman got out and opened my door. I jumped out and saw the greatest thing my eyes ever have seen.

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