Chapter 17

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{3 Months Later}

Lola never saw herself as a mother. Hell, she barely knew her own mom. But with an enlarged stomach and the constant movement in her abdomen, what more could she end up being?
Laying inside her den Lola pondered this.
Her den was underneath thick roots of an oak tree. It was filled with leaves and an old blanket Lola had found on the road. She still remained in the forest.

Lola sighed and heaved to her paws, her heavy stomach swaying under her for a moment. If she was pregnant she knew who the father was. The handsome but Arrogant blue bully who had lived next to her while at the fighting house. She shook her head from the thought and popped out of the den. She yawned.

She survived on the food she found by the highway, sometimes by the road would be trap cages, they snapped shut when you stepped on a lever. She would just tip the cave over so the food would dump out.

She was well aware she was not welcome by the people. Cars would honk, people would yell, and she knew animal control would come once a week. Patrolling the roads with nooses and nets.
Lola jolted back to reality. She shook her head and began trotting to the road. Once she arrived she began sniffing around, hopefully someone threw out a bag with some French fries left in it. A few meters away was a crinkled wrapper, Lola trotted over to it and nosed the wrapped, a food smell came from it. She tore it open and revealed a half eaten burger. Yum. She gulfed it down quickly.

A car drove dangerously close and sent wind into Lola's face, she retreated back to the forest.

Lola trotted back to her den and later outside with a sigh. Suddenly a sharp pain erupted inside her. She knew what was happening, instincts told her so. She rushed into the den and paced around, it was happening. She whined and lied on her side, her stomach heaving and herself panting. She was worried but knew what to do.
"Here we go.."

Soon after, Lola had 3 puppies by her side. A lovely Tri male, a brindle female, and a blue female, resembling the father. They were wenot pitbulls, just bully mutts.

Exhausted, Lola slept while they nursed, their tiny paws massaged her stomach as they kneaded for more milk. She'd need to find more food each day, scraps weren't enough for her new family, but she couldn't afford to wander far from them.

Lola sighed, she'd fret about that another day. Right now she just needed to rest. Happiness swelled through her at each knead of her pups paws.

She raised her head and looked down at each of her tiny pups, she wouldn't let them go without names. She studied the tri male, he pushed over his sisters and drank with a ferocious manner. He'd need a strong, masculine name. Perhaps Alrekr could suit him. She'd figure it out later.

Lola looked down at the brindle female. She slowly kneaded, as if she knew everything was fine outside her senses. She whined loudly whenever her brother would push her. She needed a delicate name, Lola couldn't think of one at the moment.

Lola finally looked at her Blue pup. She looked dreadfully similar to her father. Lola shook her head, her pup would never know him. She'd be nothing like him. The pup fought back whenever her brother pushed her, kicking him with her knobby legs.

Lola smiled as she studied them, they would grow fast. She decided she would get them food while they slept, for now. They just ate. Lola smiled and put her head down before falling into a warm, well deserved sleep.

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