Chapter 5

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"Happy birthday to Lola, Happy birthday to you!" I wagged my whole body. I like hearing my name in this song. Jake had brought two of his friends over and Mom held a big bone shaped delicious looking thing that smelled like peanut butter and dog food. She put it down and I hogged into it. I've seen Jake eat one of these once. But this was mine and I loved it. It was gone before I looked up. I licked my chops and bounced around happily. Jake reached down and pet me "Good girl Lola!"

I lied on Jakes bed while him and his friends played game on the bright box. I yawned and rolled on my back. That big creamy bone cake thing was good. The boys eventually stopped playing. Jakes two friend slept in sacks on the ground and Jake slept on his bed with me. I fell asleep happily knowing Jake was happy.

I woke up. I don't know why. It was very late. I felt the fur on my back bristling and I felt a growl grow in my chest. I jumped of the bed and silently slunk downstairs. Everything seemed fine. I sniffed around but smelt nothing out of the ordinary. I had to be woken up by something. I heard the door squeak. It wasn't Mom, or Jake, or his friends. I crouched in a corner and looked. It was a man, he was wearing all black and smelled like liquor and smoke. I didn't waste my time barking. I lunged at the man and grabbed his arm in my jaws. He yelled and kicked me. I let go and barked, howled, snarled, and growled at him. I heard Jake jump out of bed. I barked again and bit the mans calf. He screamed and knocked down a glass vase. I growled and shook his leg to the point where he fell down. He punched me in my nose and made it bleed. That made me hysterical. I snarled and lunged at his head. I tore at his scalp and face. I jumped up when I heard loud sirens and saw red and blue flashing lights. The man got up and limped to the back door I jumped at him but my collar was choking me. Mom had my collar in her hands and held onto me for dear life. I saw the cops tackle the man and arrest him. I was dragged upstairs and put on Jakes room. The boys were frozen and smelled like fear. I stood in front of them and growled at the door, ready to protect my family at any cost.

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