First Breath (5)

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Hey guys! This story is going so well and now it is #62 historical fiction, #46 action and 1rst action andhistorical fiction books! i am so surprised but boy i am happy!

I would like to note that for my spell check, it is in english not american so if you see a word like Colour, that IS the correct spelling! (I mean who spells colour color for gods sake!)

Keep it up!

So to summarise the story so far:

Taro Fox murders Roy, her fiancé for cheating on her with another woman. Taro is caught by police who arrest her in her apartment and take her into custody. Taro pleads guilty as she panics and during the trial, she blurts out the truth. She then wakes up in hospital after collapsing due to too much pressure and then finds out her punishment for her crime. She is to spend five years in a different dimension during World War 2 also known as The Black Years in her dimension. Taro is put through examinations to find her a body fit for her in the other dimension. The procedure to put her consciousness into the other body is carried out and she wakes up in a different world.


The light was absolutely terrifying. It did not fade like I expected to; instead it just seemed to get brighter and hotter. I tried to close my eyes, to avoid the painful brightness, but I felt no eyelids. Instinctively, I went to reach for my eyes and check they were ok but I found no arm. Then I tried to move my legs, my feet, my fingers, my hips then my lips. There was nothing. Fear surged through me as it dawned upon me. I had no body, just eyes. Pure terror at the idea burst inside of me then pain exploded in my heart, quickly racing to every tip of me, bringing to light my useless body. First, relief shone in me as I realised I was not dead or bodiless then I felt the agony. I wanted to scream and cry as it burnt through me, setting my veins on fire and boiling my blood. My heart seemed stuck, not beating at all, pressure rising in it like lava, burning me mercilessly. Then there were my lungs, not a bit of oxygen was in them; they squeezed tighter and tighter like a burning iron band was pushing in on them, slowly and painfully starving me of air. Every bit of my body cried out for release as it burned under the onslaught. I tried to move but my burning body was frozen in place, each muscle locked in pain.

Suddenly, my lips flew open with a dry rasping noise, my tongue moving weakly around my mouth, searching for any bit of air desperately. The whiteness blurred as my eyes filled with silent tears, running down my steaming cheeks like a waterfall. My chest began to jump up and down, jerking my body painfully, as if I were sobbing then I began to feel sweaty as the burning pain made me hotter and hotter till drops of sweat fell with my tears. The pain continued to rise as my body trembled and jerked till I finally reached my climax.

The agony seemed to pause. I could feel my body suffering but now I could ignore it. All I could feel now was my still heart. The pressure had risen and my heart seemed on the point of explosion. Then something stirred inside of me. My heart trembled. I sent all my energy to it and finally I felt it; one hard pump. My heart thumped and suddenly, all of it seemed to be in slow motion. A wave of adrenaline and energy surged through me, cooling my boiling blood and soothing my burning veins. It ran all the way through me, licking my toes and tickling my fingertips. Then it surged into my mouth, running over my tongue and caressing my lips. I breathed.

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